Chapter 5 = Twist II

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Pete had twins ....................

Vegas POV

In left side there is a boy with dimple and with simple wearing and at left there is this mafia type dressed another dimple boy . So who is actual pete that I got married to . Is it the casual dressing or the other one . Cause after we have been separated Pete changed drastically . And why did his grandparents hid it from me and Pete never spoke about it . It's suspicious . A lot .


I asked my some fellow friends to do background checks on Pete . And I went back to my chamber. I called Porsche but he didn't pick the call . May be he is busy . I still can't take out my mind from what thakhun had said that day in restaurant . So pete moved on so easily . But at first place I never was involved in this relationship . So ....... Why do I feel mad about the fact he is asking me divorce . I must be happy don't I . I shouldn't have used him for my work . I played with his feelings . Actually I did the same thing that my ex did to me. I am no good than her . She still is wining against me . I really don't want divorce . I really don't want but I am still unknown about the reason WHY ..... just why don't I want him to move on and get him with me in my messed up life , why when I still don't hold any feelings towards him and still in love with my crush Porsche and still hold some feelings for my ex who is in same house right now . 

Author POV

Vegas still didn't wanna move on from his past . He was stuck . NO matter what he did he couldn't forget his first love .So he despirately wanted to meet Porsche . Cuase he still couldn't take out his feelings from his ex girlfriend and he was tried . He needed distraction . He went to the café waited for him . He neither saw pete coming nor did porsche . So he sneakily went inside and started to search . A teacher found him and tried to call police . When he showed that he showed ID of his . Then the teacher called other members too and went on searching for both . While he was searching for both he got call from unknown number . He picked up

" haahaaaaaaa my dear son I thought you were clever but your lover is with me . You didn't tell me that he was undercover agent tooo . I am sad about that ."Kan started laughing like crazy

" What the f*ck are you talking about." Vegas screamed so loudly that teachers were being scared .

" I will send you location come there in time." And the call ended . When he was about to run to the destination A voice made him stop .


Vegas ran to them and saw Porsche bleeding a lot .

" VEGAS ... He will kill me today . He ....he " Porsche was crying hugging vegas . He was scared very much .

Meanwhile Pete was laughing looking at Porsche ,he was not drunk completely . He almost broke Porsche's ribs .

Vegas looked at Pete's situation . Blood was dripping from side of his mouth's  corner . Porsche was taken to hospital . It started raining heavily suddenly . Teachers were scolding Pete and one was even calling police.

Vegas POV 

I went to him and grabbed his both arms .

" why pete ?"

" Hah your f*cking lover wasn't satisfied by your d!ck so he was stalking mine boyfriend ." Pete said loud that every teachers were  extremely surprised . Teachers couldn't believe their own ears that how pete could speak such things casually and so loud . 

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