(one shot) Dawn of love [III]

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Build  POV (Continuation )
 I wanted to stay a bit more at party but i started feeling sick . Bible was quick to notice. And we left . Everything was going smoothly . It was time for baby's birth . Last 2 months were very hard to me . I had to take bed rest . Today is the day . Bible insisted to be inside room to support me . I tried very hard . I cried a lot , cursed a lot , screamed a lot and finally i was relief when i heard baby cry . My eyes were teary . I called Bible but he was on ground . He really fainted lmao . I am the one giving birth . I can't control my laugh . 

Back to present 

Look how big is my baby now . They looks so cute .

 They looks so cute

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  " what is daddy teaching hmm " I kind of wanted to tease Bible .

Bible:= Daddy interesting . i will make you say that more tonight 

" shut up Mr husband . " Mother in law came and took venice . 

Bible:= Baby don't you think your belly is a bit big for 4 months . I mean before it was not this big when you were pregnant with venice . 

" well may be we are expecting twins hmm ." He hugged me . 

" Bible don't get me wrong  but your sister Avinya looks at you very differently . " His eyes got changed 

Bible:= Build don't say those infront of others . I will think i didn't hear it . 

And he left . I got worried about the reaction of Bible . 

After that he kept ignoring me . That night he didn't even come to sleep in bedroom . He went to sleep with venice . 

Porsche := Build i thought bible was different .

"  I don't wanna talk about him anymore . I did everything to talk to him but no . He doesn't on the top of that he was flirting with one girl in his office . I wanted to surprise him but i got surprised . Porsche did i do mistake marrying him . Where will i go if he will leave me with my Venice and my unborn child . Porsche is he cheating on me. I don't know when is he cheating on  me ." I cried .

Porsche := you may be overthinking . 

Porsche may be right it may be because of hormones . I cried a lot . I didn't want to go home nor wanted to visit to my parent's house . Bible  also went to business trip and i don't have any idea which place did he go . I didn't want to call him . He once didn't called or texted me it's been 1 week 4 days . 

" Porsche i umm want .. forget it ," 

Bible POV

I am very sad . How can he think like that . Avinya is sister . But why did Porsche doubt her too . What's wrong with them . Avinya heard Build's saying and cried . After that she went away next day . I was mad and ignored Build . Avinya's step sister was worker in my office . She shared how disappointed uncle was and she  cried , so i had to calm her and i gave her support . I went to business trip without saying Build . He also didn't contacted me . 

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