Leah Williamson - Too far

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I love Leah, so much. We've been in a relationship for around a year now and both play at arsenal, so it's great. We moved in together not that long ago and I haven't looked back since. Leah is an amazing captain and a true leader, but sometimes she takes her role a little too far.

The team and I had just finished training for the day, ending on shooting. I missed a few, but I didn't think much of it, as I got quite a lot in. Gio and I were laughing while drinking some water in the hot London sun.
"Y/n! Gio! I need you both over here now!" Leah shouts.
We quickly widen our eyes at each other in confusion because making our way over to Leah.
"Hey, what's up?" I ask, gio standing next to me, looking very confused.
"You both were sloppy today, the amount of goals you miss are unacceptable and now you will practice them until I see fit." She says, pointing over to the goal which had Manu already in it waiting.
I sigh and look back at Leah.
"Are you serious right now? What about the amount of goals we both got in?" I ask.
Leah furrows her brows and shakes her head.
"What about the amount you missed? I'm captain, what I say goes, now practice." She says before making her way over to the side to watch us.

We've been at it for like an hour now. Everyone else has packed up, but Leah continues to push Gio and I, also getting annoyed at Manu when we get a goal. Every time we missed a goal, we had to run a lap of the very large area. After running about 8 laps I start to feel nauseous.
"Leah, please." I say, so exhausted.
I look over to Gio and see she is hardly holding herself up.
"No,  both of you stop being pathetic and complaining, you won't be complaining when we win, will you now?" She says harshly.
Wiping the sweat of my face, I get back into position and shoot. I fucking miss, meaning I'm off to run another lap.

Part way through the lap I start to get really nauseous. Next thing I know, I'm hunched over, vomiting everything out. Tears are now pouring from my eyes and I can't help but drop to my knees as I wipe my mouth with my shirt.
"Shit y/n, are you okay?" Gio says placing a hand on my back.
"Love, fuck, let's get you up." Leah says, trying to help me stand.
I quickly push her away.
"Fuck off leah." I snap.
Gio helps me get back to the changing room, where we both have a shower and remove the layers of sweat that accumulate from our extra training.

By the time I'm done Gio is already gone and Leah is sitting waiting for me.
"Honey, are you okay?" Leah asks, quickly standing up and reaching for me.
"Don't touch me." I sneer, before grabbing my bag and making my way to our car.
Hopping in the drivers side, I refuse to look at Leah as she gets into the passenger seat. The car ride home was quiet, my jaw clenched the whole way. I could feel Leah looking over at me quite a few times, but I refuse to look back at her. As soon as I park the car, I'm out, making my way inside our apartment and dropping my bag on the floor my the door. I can hear Leah's footsteps behind me, but I move my very sore legs along as fast as they would go towards our bedroom, slamming the door loudly once im in. A sigh can then escape my lips as I fall back into our bed. I'm in so much pain right now, I can even be bothered removing my shoes. My legs feel both numb and like their on fire. But the main pain is the fact that Leah didn't even care. She didn't care about how much pain we may be in when she forced Gio and I to practice again and again, a fucking hour and a bit after everyone else. She just stood there, a pissed off look on her face. Why would she be pissed off? She's not being made to redo training. And god forbid if anyone came up to her and told her to do what she did to us, all hell would break loose. How dare anyone say that Leah wasn't up to par, she's the captain. I don't give a fuck if she's the captain right now, she's a fucking bitch. And sadly that fucking bitch is my girlfriend, who I know for a fact is standing outside the door right now. I know her well, I've been with her for a year.

"Can I come in, please y/n?" Leah asks from the other side of the door.
I groan and roll my eyes.
"No, go away." I snap.
I don't care if I sound like a bitch or am being rude, she doesn't deserve my kindness right now.
"Baby please." She begs, twisting the door handle.
The door doesn't have a lock, so she could easily come in, but she's still behind the door.
"Don't "baby" me right now. Leave me alone." I say, before going on my phone.
I hear Leah sigh before footsteps getting further away.

After half an hour, the door creaks open, and I look up from my phone. Leah is standing at the open door, a tray of food in her hands.
"I- um, I made you your favourite post workout meal." She says nervously, before walking over towards the bed and placing it on the bedside table.
I look down at the food before back up a Leah. She's looking down at me, sorrow in her eyes.
"Look, I'm sorry okay. I'm really sorry." She says, still standing above me.
"No you're not." I say, before sitting up and taking a bite of my food.
"No, I am. I shouldn't have been that harsh on you." She says, sighing and taking a seat at the foot of the bed.
"You were a total bitch." I say, taking another bite.
She looks over at me sadly, pursing her lips to begin to speak. Before she can, I interrupt.
"Leah I get it." I sigh. " I get that you're the captain and are just trying to do what's best for the team. You want us to win, I get that. So do I. But you sometimes use your captain privileges and push them too far. Making Gio and I stay over an hour longer after practice, after everyone had gone, after we had just spent three plus hours running around and working out. But then you make us do shot after shot, running when we miss. Do you know how large one lap of the area is? Do you know how hard it is to run that after several hours of training, when you're both mentally and physically exhausted? Leah, I love playing football, but this, taking it too far, it's not worth it to me. The pain I'm feeling right now, none of it is worth it. And to make it worse, you're my fucking girl friend, and you put me through that pain? What the fuck is wrong with you? Gio is only young, she's trying her fucking best, and you are just pushing her away by forcing her to work until she breaks. You fucking force me to work until I break. I can't handle that." I pause to take a breath.
Leah is looking at me like she's about to cry. But I have to continue, I have to communicate with her.
"And fuck, god forbid if anyone said what you said to us, or make you do what you did to her and I, hell would break loose. So don't start with that shite."

Leah lets a tear fall while sniffing.
"I don't know what to say. I know what I did was wrong. I know what I did was horrible and taking advantage of my captain role. I'm sorry I've put you in so much pain. Seeing you go down and vomit, I wanted nothing more than to hit myself in the head. Please, forgive me baby. I love you. Please, let me massage you. I'll take away the pain, the pain that I caused upon you." She says taking my hands in hers.
I stare at her for a few seconds, sighing internally.
"Baby?" She ask, her voice no more than a whisper.
"Do I get the massage with the oils and everything?" I ask, looking at her through the lashes.
Leah smiles slightly and nods.
"Yes, with the oils and everything." She says chuckling.
I smile and nod, quickly removing my clothes and getting into my shorts and leaving on my sports bra.
"Okay I'm ready." I say, lying back down on the bed.
Leah laughs and shakes her head.
"You didn't need to put on a pair of shorts, I'd be happy to massage you in your underwear." She says giving me a cheeky smile.
Raising my eyebrow at her, I give her a disappoint look, like a mother.
"Okay, okay fine." She says, raising her hands in innocence as she grabs the oils.

The massage was going well, her hands working ok my muscles brought out moans and sighs on content from my lips. She worked from my feet to my calves, to my quads and my back, ending on my shoulders. By the time she was done I was half asleep. I look over at her with droopy eyes and she smiles over at me. Gosh she's beautiful.
"Come to bed, honey." I say, opening my arms for her.
Leah nods, quickly removing her clothes in record speed before jumping into bed next to me, crawling into my open arms. She sighs in contentment before leaning up to kiss my lips softly.
"Again, I'm sorry baby. I love you so much." She says, looking up at me, her yes full of love.
Smiling down at her, I pull her in for another kiss.
"Thank you baby, you've made me feel so much better." I say back.
Leah just smiles softly, wrapping her arms around my torso and resting her head on my chest. My arms wrap around her body and I kiss the top of her head softly.
"Love you baby." I whisper.
"Good night, love." She replies.

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