Jule Brand - final

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Going up against my girlfriend in the champions league final was not something I wanted to do. But it was Wolfsburg vs Barcelona and with us in each time, it was something we just had to deal with.

But the thing was, Jule had been avoiding me. Ever since we both found out we'd be playing against each other in the final, she hasn't contacted me at all. It's been a week now and I've been ghosted and it fucking hurts. She's my girlfriend, someone who is supposed to love and support me, and yet she won't respond to my messages or pick up my calls for a week. It fucking sucks.

I get she may want to focus on the game ahead, but not even saying a simple good night or morning to me, that's a whole other low.

I'm sitting in my match gear, with my head phones on as I blast music, trying to concentrate on the game ahead and not my asshole girlfriend. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Alexia gesture to the door, where the girls were walking out of now.
"Vamos Y/n." She says, giving me a sweet smile, because they all know about how Jule has been treating me this past week.
I smile and nod, taking my headphones off and walking out into the line with Alexia.

As I stand in the line with my team, waiting to go onto the pitch. I can't help but look over at Wolfsburg, my eyes immediately going to Jule, who is just staring straight ahead, with a hard look on her face. I wish she would just look at me, even for one second. It makes me so sad to know my girlfriend won't even look at me.

After shaking hands, we head into our positions. I head to the front, as I'm a striker, and now I have a perfect view on Jules. But still she won't look at me.
I sigh and wait for the whistle.

The game is tough, fouls and penalties are all around. I tackle a few and get tackles back.

Just as I'm dribbling with the ball, up the centre, one of the defenders slide tackle me, hitting my ankle. I cry out I'm pain, falling to the fall, and grip my ankle. Alexia and Mapi come sprinting over, with Mapi staying by my side with Lucy who just appeared and Alexia talking to the referee. I know I'm in pain, but I refuse to not finish the game.
Just as I'm about to speak, Jule comes over and tries to kneel down next to me.
"Baby are you okay?" She asks worried.
My brows scrunch and and I watch as Lucy and Mapi both whip their heads around to Jule. Why is she now coming over to talk to me, after a whole fucking week?
"Get the fuck away from her." Mapi sneers, while her and Lucy both stand up from their crouching positions.
"She doesn't want you here, piss off." Lucy grows, pushing Jule away.
I love my friends. They know what has been going on with Jule and to know their standing up for me, makes my heart warm.
I quickly stand up, trying to shake off the pain.
Alexia comes over and tells Jule to go away.
Jule just looks at me before rolling her eyes and walking away.

We're losing my two at half time and I'm pissed.

As we continue the second half, Aitana opens up the perfect opportunity for me, and I strike, screaming when the ball hits the back for the net. I run to the rest of the team. Smiling as they pull me in for a hug.
I smile back and laugh as I run back to my position.
I look over to see if Jule is watching and catch her staring at me with a blank face. Damn.

It was the last minute, we were up 3-2, and I was so excited, but also sad for Jule and how hard she's worked to win.

As the whistle blows for the game to end, I run towards my team, jumping into Alexias arms. Lucy jumps into us, as everyone huddled around cheering.

Even though I should celebrate, I want to check on Jule. She's my girlfriend after all. Even if this issue has gotten between us.

I walk over to her, hugging some of her teammates in the process. She's lying on the ground, her hands over her face as her body shakes. I sit down next to her and place my hand ontop of one of hers, pulling it off her face and holding it. Tears are streaming down her face and it breaks my heart knowing my win has caused this her this pain.
"Baby you did amazing. I'm so proud of you." I say, kissing her hand.
She opens her teary eyes and when she sees me she cry's even more.
"Please, leave me alone." She mumbles in between sobs.
"No, you're in pain, honey.  I'm here for you. I love you." I say back, squeezing her hand.
She growls and pulls her hand away from mine, and she whips her eyes, sitting up.
"Please, Piss off. I don't want you here."
My eyes soften and my heart breaks. Why?
"Honey?" I mutter.
"This is all your fucking fault. You're a distraction! If I hadn't stopped talking to you sooner, we would've won!"
My brows scrunch and I stand up, her following.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I sneer.
She rolls her eyes and lets out a angry laugh.
"You distract me. You're a distraction. My focus, my life, is football. Not you. You don't seem to realise that. So please. Leave me alone. Football is my priority and right now, you've ruined that for me."

Tears roll down my cheeks, and I let of a sob. This is supposed to be the girl who loves and supports me? What has happened to her?
"Baby you don't mean that. I love you." I whisper, as more tears stream down my face.
"We're over y/n." She mumbles, before walking off to the rest of her team.

At that, I break down, letting out a loud cry as I fall to the ground. The tears won't stop falling as I wrap my arms around my knees and sob.

Mapi and Alexia come over to me, kneeling down beside me.
"Honey what's wrong?" Alexia asks.
"She broke up with me." I sob quietly, before pushing my face into Mapi's shirt as I continued to cry.
They put their arms around me, letting me know they have me, and to let my emotions out.

What a great way to win a tournament.

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