Leah Williamson - Whats wrong?

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I hate this time of month. I'm in so much pain I can hardly move. I haven't texted anyone from the team that I won't be at training today, because I seriously can't move. I spend the whole day tossing and turning in my bed, curled in a ball, trying to sleep. I already know for a fact, Leah will be worried. I bet that 98% of my text messages and calls that I've missed today, have been from her. She's a very concerned and protective girlfriend. But she also can't miss practice. As the captain of Arsenal, she will be in massive trouble if she misses practice without a valid reason.

Leah and I have been dating for maybe 4 months now. And it's been the best 4 months of my life.

I fall asleep around lunchtime, which is good, because even though I'm so hungry, I can't move. So I'm just stuck being hungry, from not eating since last night.

A awake from the sound of the front door of my apartment closing, and footsteps moving around my house.
"Baby?" Someone calls.
I know that voice. I love that voice. Leah.
"Love where are you? Are you here?" She calls out.
I'm still half asleep when I see her enter my room, her confused expression immediately turns into concern when she sees me curled up in my bed, with wet eyes from previously crying and calmly skin.
"Honey what's wrong?" She asks, quickly moving over to sit next to me on the bed.
She touches my forehead, definitely feeling how sweaty it is, but doesn't comment on it. Instead she cups my face and wipes my eyes with her thumbs.
"Y/n, please. Tell me what's wrong. How can I fix it if I don't know what I need to fix." She whispers, like she's in pain.
At this I cry, and grip my stomach, another massive wave of pain hitting me like a bullet.
"My...period." I cry out.
At this Leah's eyes widen and she immediately pulls me in for a hug.
"Oh baby. I'm so sorry." She whispers. "I'll be right back."
She runs out of the room quickly, and leaves me to wonder what the fuck just happened.

A few minutes later, she reappeared with some painkillers, a water bottle and a hot water bottle. She sits back down next to me, and hands me the medication, after helping me sit up.
"Here. Have this baby."
I smile weakly at her and down the medicine.
"Thank you." I say, barely a whisper.
She just shushes me and pulls me in for another hug.
Leah then grabs the hot water bottle and placed it on my lower stomach, smiling at me softly. Kissing my temple, she pulls the covers back and slides into my bed next to me, pulling my head down to rest on her chest.

Just as she does that, she shifts slightly and hums confused.
"What's that?" She whispers to herself.
She lets me go and pulls the covers back. Shit. Blood is everywhere, I just couldn't feel it. I look down and see it's now on the back of her legs and shorts.

I burst out crying, apologising profusely. Leah just cups my face and kisses my lips.
"Don't cry baby, it's okay. It's just a little blood. I'll clean it up, honey." She coos.
I just nod, still crying.
"How about you have a bath and I'll change the bed sheets? How does that sound? Do you want me to go start you a bath?" She questions.
I look up at her through glassy eyes, nodding silently.
"Yes please." I whisper.
At that she tells me she's be back soon, and to stay put while she heads to the bathroom.

After a few minutes, she comes back and lifts me off the bed bridal style, kissing my face all over. She sits me down on the toilet and helps me undress. I start to hide away from her, because it's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed. I feel ugly and unclean and probably look it too. Leah sees this and kisses my lips softly before running her hands over my exposed abdomen and thighs.
"You're beautiful, darling. Don't shy away from me. Every single inch of you is perfect." She says softly, and I smile softly back up at her.

Leah leads me over to the bathtub, which is filled with bubbles and some candles lit.  I laugh at how kind and generous she is, and she just smiles down at me, shrugging. I hop into the bath and Leah dips her hands in, before rubbing some warm water onto my back and shoulders.
"I'll be back really quick, okay?" She asks.
I nod and kiss her cheek.

She scurry's off and I sigh, grabbing the shampoo and washing my hair. By the time I finish cleaning myself, she's back and has a warm towel in her hands.
"I heated it for you." She says smiling proudly.
I just laugh and stand up out of the bathtub. I watch as her pupils dilate and her face flushed as her eyes move over my body. She quickly realises what she was doing and clears her throat. It makes me smile knowing the effect I have on her.
"Let's get you dry and into some fresh pjs." She says, holding my hand to lead me to my bedroom.

I look around and see she'd changed the bed sheets, put more painkiller and water on the table, got a set of pjs out for me, and ones for her - which I laugh about - and put Netflix on the tv opposite my bed. My heart warms and I look over at Leah, my eyes filling with tears. When she sees the tears, her face immediately turns into a worried expression.
"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She says over and over again.
I just chuckle and shake my head, wiping my tears with my hands.
"I love you." I say happily.
At this she calms down and smiles at me.
"Come on, let's get you changed."

We settle in my bed, both in some pjs. She decided to wear one of my old Scottish National football shirts, with my name on the back, giving me a sense of pride. Leah places my head on her chest, and runs her fingers through my hair and over my back, soothing me.

We were about ten minutes in to our show, friends, which we've watched over and over again, as it's our favourite, when my stomach starts to rumble like mad. I forgot that I haven't eaten at all today.
At the very loud noise, Leah pauses the tv and I feel her twist her head down to look at me, so I look back up at her.
"Are you hungry?" She asks, running a hand up and down my back.
"Yeah." I say quietly.
"Have you eaten today? You said you've been asleep since lunch. So did you eat anything?" She asks conceded.
I sigh and shake my head. "No, I was in too much pain."
Leah sighs and kisses my forehead.
"Baby you know you need to eat, even if it's just something small."
I kiss her neck lightly before looking back up at her.
"I know, I know."
"So what do you want? Do you want me to make you anything? Do you want takeaways? Pizza, we could get pizza?" She asks.
My eyes lighten at pizza. She knows just how much I love three cheese pizza. I know it's plain and simple, but I love it so much.
"We can't have pizza, we're athletes remember." I chuckle. "Coach would have our heads if they found out."
Leah laughs and shrugs her shoulders.
"Yeah but, how Will they know? And plus, you deserve pizza. So I will order us some pizza."
She then picks up her phone and orders a three cheese pizza, delivering it to my apartment complex.

15 minutes later the pizza arrives and I clap excitedly. Leah just laughs and runs to the door to collect it.

When she comes back with a pizza in her arms, my smile widens.
"For you, milady." She says, placing the pizza on the middle of the bed, before rejoining me.

We cuddle back up and eat our pizza, while watching friends. Every so often I would feel Leah's gaze land on me, but I just continue to watch the show. After some time I decide to see why she's looking at me. I look up at her, and see her looking down at me, with large doe eyes.
"I love you, so much." She says softly.
My heart feels like it's about to explode. No matter how many times she tells me, it never fills my reaction and what it does to my heart. I smile widely and push up off the bed to kiss her lips softly. She starts to deepen the kiss, and I just smirk, pecking her lips once more before kissing her nose.
"I love you too, so much baby, so much."

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