Leah Williamson - So bloody serious

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I've always been laid back. It's just who I am. I go with the flow and crack jokes every time I can. And it pisses me off when people can't take a joke or are too serious. That's why I dont get along with Leah Williamson, my Arsenal captain. God she annoys me. She's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but her being so bloody serious all the time ruins her for me. If she was chill, I'd hit that, but she's not, she's so not.

It was another day at training, I was laughing with Jen and Lessi, while passing the ball around, when Leah and Katie came up and joined in with us. And although I try not to be mean, my mood changes instantly.
"Hey y/n, Jen, Less" Katie says as Jen kicks her the ball.
"hey" I reply, along with the others greeting both Leah and Katie.
Jen begins to crack a joke and pass the ball lopsided to Leah, causing all of us to laugh. Leah just looks towards Jen and raises a brow.
"We're in training. Stay focused." Leah said as she passed the ball to Lessi.
Oh for fucks sakes, here we go again. I roll my eyes and turn.
"I'm out, bye guys." I say, not even giving Leah the time of day.

The day continues and we head in for lunch, I take my usual seat next to Lessi, and soon find Beth, Katie and Leah taking a seat opposite us. Leah looks over at me, smiling, while I give her a tight smile in return, before going on my phone. I see this tiktok, that has a jump scare right at the end. I smile and turn towards Alessia.
"Girl look at this funny TikTok I just saw." I say, handing her my phone.
I watch intensely as she watches the screen before screaming loudly at the jump scare. This causes me and a few others to let out loud uncontrollably laughs. Les nudges me annoyed and I can't help but wipe my eyes from the tears of laughter that are appearing.
"Y/n, you really shouldn't do that. We need everyone 100% fit and ready to play, not people having nightmares from a tiktok." She says, scolding me.
I scoff and grab my plate.
"Why don't ya butt out of it, Williamson. Didn't ask you in the first place." I say, before heading over to Jen and Gio.
Once I take a seat, I turn back to look at Leah, to see her looking at me weirdly, like she's hurt. She looks up towards my eyes, and I just roll them, before turning back to join in on Gio and Jen's convo.

A few days later, in training we got paired up with someone random. And just my fucking luck, I was paired with Leah. I sigh quietly to myself before walking over to her with a ball. She smiles at me and gets ready to defend me.
"Don't pull any pranks, we need to focus." Leah says, as she bends her legs, arms out slightly.
At this I groan and throw my head back.
"Do you ever shut up and relax a little. Why are you always so serious? It's so annoying." I snap before taking off with the ball, towards her defence.
Leah, being taken back by my words, defends me terribly, and I score easily. I smile and wait in line for my next turn, where Leah is quick to catch up to me.
"What do you mean? That's a bitchy thing to say." She say, standing eye level with me.
"Yeah well, someone needed to tell you." I say, before taking another step up in the line.
Leah scoff and grabs my arm, pulling me away. I sigh and don't fight her as she pulls me inside the building, and into our changing rooms.
"So what's up? What's got your knickers in a twist? Why do you hate me so much?" She asks, taking a seat and waiting for me to speak.
I take a seat opposite her and sigh, giving her the "you should know" look.
"Leah. You never have fun. You are always so up tight and serious all the time. I get that you're the captain, but you can still have fun, and joke around every now and again. And before you say, "captain don't joke around" yes they do. When I play for Spain,everyone is having fun. Even Alexia. She jokes, and laughs and is funny. But you. You take everything so seriously, and it's annoying. I can't stand extremely serious people. So that's why."
I know that's mean. But it's the truth.

Leah just looks at me sadly, before twisting the skin on her fingers.
"So you hate me because I'm too serious?" She says, a mix of a statement and a question.
"I don't hate you. I just get annoyed. I think you are an amazing player, and a good friend, to your friends. But you are too serious. It's just hard to get along with."
Leah looks towards the ground for a few seconds, before sighing.
"I thought that's what people wanted. They wanted me to be serious. To be the glue of the team. I thought that's what being Captain is about." She says, wiping a tear from her eye.
Shit. I just made her cry! I quickly kneel down infront of her and take her face in my hands.
"Hey, don't cry. It's okay. I shouldn't be that mean, I just need to learn to tolerate people more. And you are a great captain. You lead our team to victories." I say, try in to sooth her.
"But I don't want you to have to tolerate me. I want you to like me, just as much as I like you." Leah quickly smacks her hand over her mouth and widen her eyes.

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