Alexia Putellas - secret admirer

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"Alexia, why don't you try a different coffee shop? Why do you have to go all the way across town everyday? It's pointless." Jenni says over the phone, after calling me up because I'm late again to practice.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be there soon, my coffee is almost done." I hang up and turn back to what I was doing.

Which was staring at this girl, sitting on the other side of the coffee shop, with her AirPods in and her golden ginger hair up in a messy bun. I watched as she chewed her pen while reading something on her laptop, before looking down at her books and scrunching her nose. She's beautiful. Her pale complexion is covered in freckles from her face to her arms, which are on full display with the tube top she's wearing.

Everyday I come here, and everyday she is here. In the same spot, with the same order. An iced caramel latte - I heard her order being called out before, I'm not that creepy.
So now I will have an ice caramel latte too, and I have to admit, it's delicious.

But I like to come to the coffee shop everyday, just to see her. She's always here, studying something, and is always looking so beautiful. Im too nervous tho to speak to her, she doesn't seem like the type to want to speak to someone like me. She doesn't even look gay...

"Ice caramel latte!" The barista calls.
I grab my drink and turn around to head out the door, wanting to take one more look at her, but she's gone. Her stuff is there, but she's not. Weird. I continue walking, looking in that direction, until I hit a wall. No not a wall, a person. They gasp and my head whips around, just as my arm flys out to catch them around the waist. Ginger hair flys past my eyes, and I look down to see that I knocked HER over and luckily caught her too. She's staring up at me, with massive doe eyes, and parted lips as she breaths heavily.

We stay like this for a few seconds before I realise what's going on and lifts her back to her feet.
"Lo siento." I say quickly. "I didn't look where I was going and gosh, I'm so sorry."
She smiles and shakes her head.
"Neither was I, it's fine don't worry about it." She says back, looking up at me shyly.
I decide that this is the time I should shoot my shot-ish.
"Hey, you always seem to be here, right? What's your name?" I ask, immediately regretting it afterwards, cause it sounded so awkward.
"Y/n. What's you name?" She asks back.
"Alexia." I breath back. "So what are you always studying? It seems really complicated." I joke, hoping to see her smile again.
She looks over at her work cringing, and then back at me.
"Chemistry." She says, "I know it sounds boring, but I love it."
I nod and smile back, "It doesn't sound boring, it sounds hard. For smart people." I laugh.
She joins in and shakes her head, "I wish."

I look down at my watch and curse. I'm late. By a lot.
But I'm talking to y/n, now and now I have to go. Fuck my life.
"I'm so sorry, but I have to go to work." I say sadly. "But it was lovely meeting you y/n, we should definitely do this again some time."
She laughs, "what, the bashing into each other or the chatting?"
I laugh back, "the chatting for sure. We don't want you falling on the pretty face of yours."
I mentally curse myself after the words leave my mouth, but she just smiles and shakes her head.
"Nice to meet you too Alexia."

The whole car ride to training was just me smiling to myself the whole time. I talked to her! I know her name!

"You seem extra giddy today? Any reason?" Jenni says, as we dribble the ball around the field.
I smile to myself and shake my head.
"No reason, maybe it's just the coffee today, I asked for an extra shot."
Jenni hums before sprinting off as she hits the white line.

The next day was a rest day, as it was Saturday. So I roll out of bed later than usual. As I'm scrolling through my phone I realise I could try and find her instagram account. Search up her name, praying her face will appear. It doesn't... ughhh
We only have one uni in Barcelona, so I open that instagram page and search her name up under the followers. After scrolling through the Y/n names, I come across a picture of her. FUCK YES. I smile to myself as I click onto her profile. She has a few posts with friends and family, in what looks like a lot of holidays. She also has a whole story section dedicated to chemistry. Wow, so pretty and super smart.

I decide to take the risk and follow her, hoping I don't come off as being weird...

I would go to the coffee shop to see if she's there, but the coffee shop is closed on the weekend, so I'll have to wait until Monday.

By Monday I was so jittery to get to the coffee shop, I woke up extra early so I could spend more time there. By the time I get there, Y/n is already there, with her AirPods in and her books out in front of her. She looks so peaceful and relaxed, it makes me happy.

I make my way up to the register, when her order gets called. I watch as she tilts her head up looking over, before standing. She makes her way over to the bench next to me before spotting me watching her. She smiles and waves.
"Hello stranger." She says softly.
I smile back, "Hey, how are you?" I ask, hoping to continue the conversation.
She shrugs and takes a sip of her drink.
"Could be better, but now I have a stalker soooo." She drags out, smiling widely.
Her smile literally makes my heart want to burst free. She's just so beautiful I can't even begin to describe her.
"A stalker?" I ask a bit confused.
She laughs, "yeah, some random person named Alexia, who I didn't realise was fucking famous, started following me on Instagram. Pretty stalkerish if you ask me." She jokes.
I laugh and shake my head, "For a second there I thought you had a real stalker."
She just shrugs, "do I not?"
"I mean, I can be if you want me to..." I joke back.
She just laughs more and blushes softly.
I've now forgotten all about ordering a drink, and all I want to do is continue to talk to her, for as long as she'll let me.
"I must be pretty special, I can't believe someone as famous as you would stalk me." She gasps playfully.
"Famous? Not to sure about that. I just like to play football."
"That's so cool. Like having that as a career, it's amazing. You must be so proud." Y/n smiles.
I just shrug and nod my head. "It's what I've always wanted to do, so as long as I play it, I couldn't really care less if it was my career or not."
"Passion, I love it." She says clapping her hands.
As I look at her hands as she claps them, something catches my eyes. Hers wearing a rainbow bracelet, and I hope it's a symbol for what I want it to be, because my heart starts to race.
"Nice bracelet." I say pointing to it.
She looks down at her wrist and grabs the bracelet.
"Oh thank you, my mother got it for me. She thinks that every rainbow thing she sees she should now buy for me, as a way of showing she accepts me." She laughs.
I laugh too, because that's just too cute.
"My parents use to do that for a little while once I came out. But after a few years I really don't think they care enough."
She smiles and nods.

I'm hoping this means what I want it to mean, because I'm just gonna put it all out there and hope she feels the same.
"Would you wanna give me your number, and let me take you out to dinner?" I ask, holding my breath once I said it.
She just smiles up at me in awe, blush coating her cheeks.
"I would love that."

The whole car ride to training I was smiling, not caring that I was half an hour late. I don't care if I get told off, nothing is gonna ruin this day for me now. After pinning over her from a distance for a year, I've finally got her fucking number, and get to take her out for dinner tomorrow night.

"Happy again, I see" Jenni says as we run laps.
"I'm fucking over the moon." I laugh back.
She looks at me confused, "And why is that?"
"I've got a date tomorrow night." I giggle.
Jenni gasps and pushing me over.
"A DATE! YOU HAVE A DATE!" She shouts happily.
"Why did you never tell me you were talking to someone!? Is this why you're always late?"
Some of the others run over, asking what we're doing.
"Alexis has a date tomorrow night! This puta never told us about this girl, and now she has a fucking date." Jenni tells them giddily.
"A date?"
"Tell us about her?"
"This is why you've been late isn't it?"
"Is she pretty?"
"When will we meet her?"
"What does she do?"
"Is she a footballer?"

I hold up my hands, signalling them to shut up, as I stand.
"For you nosy losers information, her name is y/n, and she's very pretty, and no she isn't a footballer, she's actually studying chemistry."
"Ohhh so a smarty pants." Ona laughs.
I give her a stare, "Ona, just cause you failed science."
She just rolls her eyes.
"When did you meet?" Lucy asks.
I blush and cover my face. "Well we started talking a few days ago, but I've liked her for over a year. But I never had the courage to talk to her until now." I say embarrassed.

They all laugh at me loudly.
"Wow, so not surprising." They all laugh.
"Yeah yeah, shut up you putas, I've got a date with a stunning girl and you'll don't, so who win?" I laugh back.

Let me know if you guys want a part 2?!
Thanks for reading, remember to hit that star!!

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