Leah williamson - smarter than you

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I'm a scientist, and I love it. I've always been a nerd and I have no problem with it. My girlfriend is also a bit nerdy, so it's cool. We meet at an astronomy museum and ever since then we've been talking. She asked me to be her girlfriend a month after we meet and now 8 months into the relationship, I couldn't be more happy.

Right now I'm out with her friends at Katie and Caitlin's house. Leah's whole team has become like a second family to me. Their all so welcoming and loving. I especially get along with Jen, Beth and Steph, sometimes I even meet up with them without Leah.

Right now I'm sat with them three on the couch, having a wine, while Leah is standing up by the bar, talking to some of the others.

"How's work been for you, y/n?" Jen asks.
"Good, I actually have to go away for a bit to France for a meeting about some physics things, someone thinks they've discovered something about newtons laws and how it doesn't fully work. It's a load of bull, but I have to go anyways." I say taking a sip of my wine.
They cringe and then laugh.
"Sounds interesting." Beth jokes.
I laugh and shrug.
"It's whatever, at least I'm going to France." I say smiling.
At that Leah groans and I whip my head to her.
"Baby, please don't remind me." She whines.
At this Katie laughs and smacks a hand on Leah's shoulder.
"Can't handle a week without y/n, can ya?" Katie mocks.
"Shut it, McCabe." Leah says back.
I just laugh with the others, taking another sip of my drink.

As the night continues I make my way over to Leah, and see what her and the others were talking about. Turns out Leah is trying to explain the laws of momentum and conservation of momentum and energy to the others.
"So when potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, like if a ball dropped from the air; then all energy is converted, and unless an external force acts of the system, the ball, then energy is conserved." She says smiling at herself, for her smartness.
I cringe and shake my head trying to signal to Leah that she's actually got it wrong. When she sees me, she motions for me to tell her what's up.
"Babe, umm, not to be rude, but you got it wrong." I say cringing again.
Leah's brows scrunch together and she looks at me confused.
"Ohhh, what? Leah's got something wrong? What the fook!" Katie says, actually in shock.
"I'm confused, what did I get wrong?" Leah asks, taking my hand.
"Not all energy is converted, remember some transform into heat and sound." I say trying not to be rude about it.
Her eyes widen and she Ohhhs to herself.
"I completely forgot, ughhh." Leah says to herself before placing her head on my shoulder.
"That's okay babe." I laugh, kissing her head.
"See that's why y/n is the award winning scientist and you are a footballer." Caitlin says wrapping her arm around Katie.
Leah looks up towards Caitlin sadly.
"That makes me feel dumb." Leah says sadly.
I turn to Leah and smile at her.
"You are not dumb honey, plus not only are you a footballer but you're the captain of the England team and a euro champion." I say smiling up at her.
She smiles back to me, but before she can say anything, I continue and turn to the rest of the team.
"Do you guys know I get to fuck a euro champion?" I say smiling proudly.
At this the team breaks out in "whoops" and whistles and Leah just laughs before placing a loving kiss on my lips.
"You have no filter once you've had a wine." She says smiling down at me.
I just smile up at her, before my mind begins to wander. Shit! I basically corrected her in front of her teammates and made her feel dumb. Fuck I'm so horrible. She's probably just trying to play it off.

Leah must tell that my mind is elsewhere, because she softly grabs my chin, bringing my face back to face hers.
"What's up baby? You look concerned." She says softly.
I look into her eyes before my bottom lip quivers.
"I'm sorry." I whisper.
She just looks at me confused.
"I shouldn't have corrected you and made you feel dumb in front of your teammates, the people that looks up to you and think you're so smart. And you are very smart." I say quickly.
Leah just looks down at me and smiles widely before chuckling to herself.
"Baby, If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, you can correct me whenever you want. You shouldn't feel like I'm going to be mad at you, because I won't. You are the smartest person I know, and if I'm wrong, please correct me. And who cares what the others think, some of them forget their timetables sometimes." She says laughing.
I laugh and nod at her.
"I love you." I smile.
"I love you more." She says back.

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