" Enjoying girls" shouts  Kabir bhaiya.
" Yes bhaiya. To out fullest." We reply.

My sister Rishita says to me with her daily one eye look " You had way too much, don't you think?" She says to me.
" Huh what makes you think so?" I say.
" Your tone I guess. Lower it down please." She says being embarrassed. So I shout on her ears " Wohooo" is it okay now. She is Red now and goes away from me.

I move to the girls again and some other young girls have joined our group too which by the looks are known to my cousins already. I move to Krishant bhaiya to ask for one more as I am never satisfied with how much I drink.

" Control Anika. You don't have to break something again do you?." He asks laughingly.
" Comeon bhaiya. It was not me in that grumpyhead's event too. I know how to be in control." I say taking the bottle from him. I pour down a little and bhaiya snatches it from me.
"Yea yea yea that's enough" He says. I take it all in one sip. It feels good.

We go beside the boundary of the wall and start dancing there on Hey Ya. I am doing a couple dance with Sanjana Di now.
" Oh you know a lot of steps huh. With whom do you perform such couple steps with Anika." She asks cheeringly.
"Garvit I guess." I say letting out a laugh.
" I Just feel so free di and like I got my people back." I say and swoon into my axis twice.

As I slow down to zero, my head is spinning but I am enjoying.
Krishant bhaiya is coming up to me in a very uptight manner.
" Oh come on bhaiya be casual." I say and laugh.
" Where's the statistical analysis.?" He asks.
" What? Why do you care? " I say and laugh again but this time he doesn't smile back. Because he is not bhaiya anymore. Bhaiya is sitting in his chair like he was. This is Vihaan not even letting out one single inch of smile.

So I am basically twinning with my boss
in royal blue and I feel embarrassed only. He is looking straight in my eyes but the alcohol has slowed down my brain completely leaving me with only my blinking capability at him. Why is he so uptight? Can't he be free for one minute? Yet he looks so good at times. My "good" is just an understatement to his looks. The times when he arrives at party like this and the times when he reads. Both the times, I feel uneasy looking at him.

" Sirr!! What are you doing here?" I ask out loud.
" None of your business. You are going one day late on your timeline." He says strictly.
" One day. Oh right I prepared it yesterday only but I think my mail couldn't reach you due to my connection." I say completely making up my lie. I thought today is the submission.

" So bring it up please." He asks strictly.
" Well it's not here. It's in the library." I say casually thinking of leaving the spot because this man will once again make me sober.

" I don't really think that you understand the heat of the situation Anika." He says taking a step forward.
" Oh Well that's because I am enjoying the party ofcourse and you Mr is coming in my way to fly freely in the skies of freedom yett agaaaiinnn." I say out loud. His face is tightening up with anger. " Well see, I can't be this tense and full of
solemnty all the time. I am a pure innocent human only. And this.." I poke my finger towards his nose " this is an pure example of exploitation of an innocent employee and a toxic work culture. Do you understand?" I ask firmly trying to stand straight.

He is looking at me straightly without budging even an inch.
Sanjana Di pulls my hand downwards and embraces me in her arms "Sorry Vihaan. I think she had too much to drink. Please enjoy your time here." She says.

Sanjana Di grabs my hand and take me for a walk.
Everyone is staring at me.
" What was that? Really. What was that Anika." asks Sanjana Di shaking me up.
" Vendetta." I say out loud laughing.
She takes me on a sofa and I doze off.

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