♡ CHAPTER 7 ♡ : Apologise

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After crying for a long time over the departure of her parents this morning, Umaira had simply put on an abaya and her hijab without wanting to break her head to get ready, she didn't have the strength, she already missed her parents and her sister enormously.

"Umaira, you're going somewhere, dear" she heard her puphoo's gentle voice.

She nodded" In fact, I have to pick up my internship contract to hand in a copy to my school and they called me today to tell me I could come and hand it in" she informed her gently.

Yasmina nodded with a smile as Umaira prepared to leave, only to stop her when she saw Aryan coming down the stairs in her suit, switching off her phone. "Aryan, you can accompany Umaira today to hand in her internship copy to her school, it would be quicker and safer if you went with her" she insisted.

Aryan knew that her arguments weren't convincing, but that she just wanted to find an opportunity for them to be together. Yasmina had noticed some of their differences but hadn't said anything, since they were cousins, but now that they were married, they couldn't stay apart, so she had taken it into her head to help her two children blossom in their relationship, without knowing that her son had ingeniously noticed her new resolution to play broker in her relationship.

Umaira didn't really understand why her puphoo was asking this, it was early in the day and she was old enough to protect herself, "maybe she's worrying too much about me" Umaira thought innocently.

Umaira thought Aryan would refuse, but to her surprise, he simply nodded. Aryan knew there was no point in saying no to his mother; one way or another, she'd end up convincing him. "Might as well keep it simple," he thought.

Yasmina quickly approached her daughter-in-law, "Go on, enjoy yourself" she said excitedly.

Umaira nodded with confusion, not really understanding what she meant by enjoy, but moved closer to Aryan's car.

"I don't know what they'll do, but one more mistake and you can be sure I'll fire the Whole TEAM !" he shouted irritated at Mukesh who was also his P.A

Umaira swallowed, "Mr.Hurricane is already awake " she muttered nervously, she didn't want to have to travel all the way with a bad-tempered Aryan and have him put her in a bad mood too.

She looked back, "Why don't I sneak off without him knowing ? She asks herself

But to her great regret, Aryan had already noticed her presence. "Will you hurry up, I haven't got all day" he added in a loud voice without even bothering to look at her.

Umaira unwillingly settled into the passenger seat beside him, fastened his seatbelt and started the engine. "I'm warning you, if you're in a bad mood like this for the whole ride, I'll jump out and open the door to walk away" she had to say with a straight face.

Aryan, taken aback by her foolishness, turned to her, giving her a "serious" look, but the way Umaira looked at him was anything but serious. "After all, why wouldn't she, she's crazy enough to do it" he thought ironically.

Even if the prospect of seeing her jump out of the car door seemed interesting, but not so interesting that his mother would kill him if she found out what his daughter-in-law had done because of him, or the fact that his conscience wasn't happy to see Umaira even a little hurt.

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