♡ CHAPTER 2 ♡ : Cousins ?

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Umaira arrives home, taking off her shoes and putting on her house sandals. She locked the door.

She undid her hijab, leaving it over her shoulder like a dupatta, her long hair now covering the nape of her neck. Her house was a fairly average size, like the rest of the houses in her neighbourhood; they were all middle-class people, and owned this house as their only property.

Despite the paint that was beginning to fade from the old walls of their house, Umaira loved this place enormously ; it was where she had been born, where she had grown up and seen her family expand, and after her mother's operation she wanted only one thing: to give this house back its remote charm.

She arrived in the living room a few steps later and was surprised to find that her father was already there; usually, he came home late, after dark, and was there for the magrib.
His sister was around him, while his mother was sitting in her wheelchair nearby.

Smiling discreetly, she moved closer to them and hugged her mother affectionately.

"Assalam Alaikum everyone," she said, and slapped a kiss on her mother's cheek.

Anya and Walid smiled in recognition of their daughter; she was the first gift they received after their marriage, the symbol of their love just like the rest of her children.

Anya and Walid smiled as they recognised their daughter, the first gift they received after their marriage, the symbol of their love, just like the rest of their children.

"Are you back, Uma ? "Anya asked her affectionate daughter with the short name she had given her.
Umaira shook her head, and Walid invited her to join him.

"Did your interview go well ? "he asked with an air of concern

Umaira shook her head sadly and recounted what had happened, slightly avoiding the details of the company name and Aryan name. She finally laid her head sadly on her father's shoulder.

"It's all right, my girl, you'll find something better," she encouraged him.

"inshaAllah" she added with a smile.

"It's true, Didi, you've got a lot of talent, you're bound to find something better" added her little sister, Dylia unable to see her older sister whom she took as a model.

Umaira shook her head, positively, she didn't want her family to be so sad for her. "You were talking happily, did anything happen while I outside ?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, a very good thing, Uma, your abu has been reunited with his little sister Yasmina today by the grace of Allah, and she asked your father to be the one in charge of the decorations and she also invited us to stay with her until her son's wedding end so that we could all bond together" her mother explained as she listened attentively.

"Really ?" she exclaimed in surprise to her father, who nodded with a radiant smile.

She was really surprised, her father and her aunt Yasmina had seen each other for over 27 years and Umaira remembered how sad her father was every time he told her how he had been separated from his little sister and she understood him, she could never get over being separated from Dylia and not knowing where she was.

"I can't wait to meet Yasmina puphoo," exclaimed Dylia enthusiastically, making everyone laugh.

"Go and study for your exams or we'll leave you here, Dylia" warned her mother.

Since the morning, Anya had been on the back of her second daughter, who unlike her first daughter, was not a fan of school.

"Ammi" she exclaimed sulkily, but Anya raised her eyebrows. "What ? "she retorted.

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