Exilement and Escape [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

"Hurry up!" Harrierstripe snarled.

"Let's go!" Moletail insisted

Mouseclaw nodded. "Together."

And they leaped over the fence without looking back.

The first thing that struck them was the scent. The reek of two legs swam over them, their musty scent making them gag.

The second thing was the scent of many cats. All of them toms.

"Uh... I guess we got through that," Mouseclaw suggested.

They went through the little cat flap and were immediately greeted by a two-leg kit. It yowled and grabbed them, running over some blocks and opening a moving wall where there were two older ones were sitting down. 

The older two legs grabbed Mouseclaw and Moletail and took them to a round open object. They poured out water into the object and started to place them inside.

"Water!" Mouseclaw screamed.

"Calm down and just do what they want!" Moletail yelled.

They were placed into the warm water and scrubbed with something white and foamy which tasted awful.

They were finally let out and rubbed roughly with a soft object. Moletail and Mouseclaw were trapped in a room.

 As their eyes adjusted to the harsh lighting, Moletail noticed a smoky grey tabby tom with green, glinting eyes that looked at them hungrily. 

The tomcat next to him, a blue-furred one with piercing blue eyes, pointed at Mouseclaw, saying, "That one is darn pretty." 

Moletail couldn't deny it, her friend was gorgeous with her fluffy sand fur and leopard markings, but the way they were looking at her was giving her the creeps.

The third tomcat, a white tom with black paws and tail-tip, chimed in, "Quite right."

"Think they'd make fine kits?" the fourth one, a snow-white tom with one sand green eye and another stormy blue eye, asked.

Moletail interrupted them, saying, "Wait just a minute. We don't want to have kits."

But the smoky grey tabby dismissed her concerns, boasting, "Oh, please. We're the handsomest toms you'll ever set eyes on. I'm Thunder that Booms in Storm, call me Thunder."

The blue-grey tomcat introduced himself as Water that Falls on Foggy Day, the black and white one as Shadow in Blinding Light, and the final one as Peridot in a Stormy Sea.

Mouseclaw asked, "Wait, are you tribe cats?"

"Were tribe cats," Shadow corrected sadly.

Thunder added, "The Tribe of the Sky is no more."

"Whatcha here for, anyway?" Water asked.

"I murdered someone," Mouseclaw explained hoarsely.

Water was unfazed and said, "Oh well, das ok. You're better off 'ere anyway."

Mouseclaw looked at him disbelievingly. "With two legs?"

"What are two legs?" Peridot inquired.

"I think 'ey means the Fur Heads," Water said. "'Ose creatures that carried you down 'ere?"

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