Chapter 87: Final (1)

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This is the time!

The prince saw the opportunity and waved decisively.

First hidden in the crowd, the dark soldiers dressed as ordinary people immediately acted, and then surrounded by street patrols and assisted, and then the five city soldiers and horses, the Guards quickly joined, everyone entered in batches as planned, in a thunderous situation Quickly and accurately press and hold all the starred Chiman people and members of the Genmiao organization, and the front, back, left, and right routes will all be sealed, and none will be missed!

An accident happened. Of course, the first reaction of Chimangenmiao was to run, but how to run? You have a lot of people, and there are more people in Da'an, and it's not one-on-one. At least two people in Da'an are watching you. You can't run with only this person's sea tactics. Besides, one sent by Da'an counts as one. No mediocrity.

Want to die? Then you die.

The prince did not care at all, neither did the officers and men in the operation. The plate is so large that it is impossible for everyone to die. It can be confusing when full, and there are always those who do not want to die. They will give effective statements afterwards. Just in case, so many people are dead, it 's okay to live, it 's okay, the facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, what is the relationship between dead and alive? They only explained to the Daan people, but they didn't need to explain to Chiman.

For a moment, the killing sound was like a tide, and the street was chaotic.

In the inner city, such large-scale battle scenes are rare, but the people in the capital have experience, do n't say anything, and immediately shrink into the gap between the street walls-

Seeing the officers and soldiers rational and orderly, they quickly and accurately arrested people. They also specially allocated a group to remind everyone to pay attention to safety. When they saw the disabled elderly and naughty children, they immediately took care of each other, and their expressions were not wrong ... The heart of the house is closed.

What are you afraid of? Is it really important, panic!

It did n't take long for the Prince to appear, and everyone was more confident. It was n't the country 's chaos, it was the Prince who was trying to catch the thief!

"This is not the case. The prince himself went out of his way, and the trouble was a bit big ..."

"Yo, it's a full ambassador! The young and old guys, look, the dog with the green belt is not the head of the mission this time? Lao Tzu has seen him drink in a restaurant before!"

"Ah! I knew that Chimangou was uncomfortable over here. The Prince was reportedly assassinated a few days ago, do you know? Fortunately, our Prince Edward is blessed, and God blessed me. Then I escaped. Dare to do something! "

"Red Man Dogs can't spare! Kill them!"

"But the two countries did not fight to make ..."

"You're right, it's inconvenient for the Prince, these dogs can't cut it ... But things are erratic, and accidents can happen at any time. There are unpredictable circumstances. Who can control God, can you?"

The people glanced at each other, stretched their feet, raised their arms, and immediately bent down to pick up stones.

Stepping, tripping, pushing, smashing, and immortality will also make your dog see blood. It will not make you feel better.

Wu Kui, the leader of the mission, was stunned.

This is impossible!

The plan was so thorough, so much work was done, and even the unlucky bear child's hair was not touched, and he was caught?

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