part 35

518 51 12

In the previous chapter:
Arrival of Manik and Cabir's friends!

The next day, Manik, Aarav and Nyra were chilling near the pool. Manik's friends along with Nandini, Cabir and Navya had went to Anya's wedding dress purchasing. DE 12 except Aarav and Nyra had went to an amusement  park with Kabir, Aadhya, Reyaansh and Ishana.

"Papa... We have sports day at school tomorrow... Would you come along with mom?" Nyra asked with hope filled eyes.

"Ofcourse I would come princess." Manik said hugging his daughter, who was literally dancing in joy.

"But dad, mom said you guys need to lay low for a few more days till we reach India..." Aarav said thoughtfully.

"Forget about that Aaru, me and your mom would definitely be there tomorrow. We'll see the consequences later. I've heard that you both are really good at sports so, won't miss the opportunity to see my kids win." Manik said with a smile, now hugging his overly worried son.

"Really you would be there?" Aarav and Nyra asked with twinkling eyes.

"Yes!" Manik chuckled.

"Dad, we have never heard you sing in real... Would you sing for us now?" Aarav asked.

"Sure, wait here for a minute, let me go and grab my guitar." Manik said.

"I'll bring it papa..." Nyra said and ran inside to grab the guitar.

Nyra returned in a few minutes with Manik's guitar and gave it to him. Manik strummed his guitar and started singing 'kaise hua'. Nyra and Aarav were completely lost in his voice.

"So, how was it kiddos?" Manik asked,  after he finished singing.

"You are awesome papa!" Both of them chimed and hugged Manik.

The next day

Manik and Nandini were getting ready for the sports meet. Aarav, Nyra and rest of the kids had already left to their school.

"Jaan, are you ready yet?" Manik asked while setting his hairs, while Nandini was in the wall in closet, getting ready.

"Yeah Manik... Just a minute..." Nandini said, coming out of the closet,  wearing a pair of earrings on the way.

"What are you wearing?" Nandini asked perplexed.

"Why, what happened?" Manik asked casually.

"Who wears a freaking tuxedo to a sports day?" Nandini glared at him.

"Me!" Manik chuckled and ushered Nandini out of their room before she could ask him to change.

"You are unbelievable!" Nandini rolled her eyes and Manik smiled, kissing her forehead affectionately.

*At school*

DE 12 were sitting in the canteen, waiting for the event to start and also for their family 's arrival. As the 12 of them were chatting cheerfully, a bully gang came in front of them, just trying to spoil their mood.
(Keyword: trying)

"Hey Aarav and Abeer, are your dads coming to watch the sports day this year? Oops, I forgot you guys don't have one." A guy with blonde hair said and the rest of his gang laughed.

"Oh, are you that excited to see our dads? Don't worry, you can see our dads today," Abeer answered calmly, but Aarav was busy shooting daggers at the guy.

"And a bit of advice for you... Do not interfere in matters that don't concern you, or else you'll be kicked out of the school. Don't forget who's the boss here," Aarav added in a grave tone, and the blonde boy gulped, knowing that he shouldn't mess with DE 12 as the Dixits owned the school.

The people who heard the fight in the canteen were shocked and surprised to learn that Aarav, Nyra, Abeer, and Myra's dads are coming to the sports day. This news spread throughout the entire school like wildfire because no one had seen or heard about Aarav and Abeer's dads until that day and never dared to ask about them either. In fact, they thought that Nandini and Navya were single mothers. (In fact, it was true. But, a few weeks back, the scenes changed.)

A few moments later, all the kids assembled on the ground as the event was about to start. DE 12 were still waiting for their family to arrive.

"Guys, when are they coming? The event's about to start already," Myra said disheartened.

Aarav was about to call his mom when he saw a message in the family group, which was posted just now. It said, "We have almost reached."

Just then, they noticed 10 luxurious cars pulling up inside the school, and in a second, DE 12 recognized who they were and rushed to the parking lot.

The whole attention of the school was on DE 12 now and the people in the cars. The couples and Manik and Cabir's friends got out of the cars and made their way to DE 12.

There was thick silence and tension as the family conversed among themselves. The crowd even got to know about Aarav, Nyra, Myra, and Abeer's dads.

"Why were you guys late?" Saavni asked.

"We did leave early, princess, but we later got stuck in traffic... Besides, we had to escape the paparazzi too..." Neil explained to his daughter.

Later, the big family made their way to the VIP area and got seated. DE 12 retreated to the ground. The crowd broke into whispers after a few moments.

"Hey aren't they the Malhotras?"

"The Malhotra brothers are the son in laws of Dixits?"

"Oh my god... The couples look so in love..."

"Why didn't the Malhotras come to school for their kids these many years?"

"Damn... Malhotras and Dixits combined together would be ultimate power..."

The event started, and as expected, DE 12 was winning all the competitions. The DE 12 kids were truly multi-talented. Manik and Cabir were all smiles throughout the day.

At the end of the day, the winners of all the events collected their trophies and certificates from the Dixits, who happened to be the chief guests of the event. The family was proud to see that their kids had won most of the competitions.

Later that evening, the family had their dinner in a restaurant and returned to the Dixit mansion. Everyone retired to their respective rooms and called it a day, since everyone was tired.

In MaNan's room

Manik, Nandini, Aarav, and Nyra decided to have a family sleepover and were preparing for it.

"Your mom and I are so proud of you kids. You were amazing today," Manik praised Aarav and Nyra.

"Thank you, dad," Aarav and Nyra said with a broad smile.

Later that night, the small family of four spent quality time watching a movie, talking with each other, and then slept.

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Stay safe and stay happy always 😁

With Love,
Krishi Rathode ❤️

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 28 ⏰

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