part 2

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Before starting the chapter, I would like to thank _khusiyaan_ dii for this beautiful book cover. Thanks a lot dii ❤❤

In the previous chapter:Nandini and Navya's side of the story

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In the previous chapter:
Nandini and Navya's side of the story.

In India:

Manik's pov

It was around 1'o clock in the afternoon. I had come to my favourite cafe which I used to visit with Nandu. I went to my always reserved table and ordered a black coffee for myself. While I saw waiting for my coffee, I saw a couple fighting, who were on the verge of breaking up. I don't know why, I went up to them.

'any problem?', I asked the couple. They look shocked for a moment but then, the girl spoke up.

'sir, we are in a relationship from past 3 years and love eachother a lot. But now, my parents are forcing me to marry someone else and his friends think that I'm a distraction for him', saying this, the girl broke into tears. But, the boy went near her and tried consoling her but failed miserably. I somehow felt bad as a bit of their story is similar to mine and Cabir's.

'what is your decision now?', I asked the couple curiously.

'I think this is the end of our relationship... she really deserves a better person than me', the boy said with a sad sign. Listening to this, the girl stormed out of the cafe in tears and the boy sat back on the chair trying to control his tears. On hearing this, I went back into the flashback where the same kind of situation had seperated me and Nandu, Cabir and Navya. Now, I don't know why, I felt like sharing my experience with this stranger boy.

'umm... I don't know who you are but I feel like giving you a small advice', I said and the boy looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

'what is it sir?', he asked me.

'13 years ago, I was in a similar condition as you are now. The only difference is that my girl was not forced by her parents or family to marry someone, neither was I. We were really very happy with eachother and would never live without eachother. We were a happy and romantic couple. But one day, due to some insecurities, my friends told me that I'm losing my interest in music and work and I'm not spending time with them like before, and told me choose between them and my love. That time, I was also too young and didn't realise the value of her and our love at that time, and I chose my friends over her and let her go. Once she left, her emptiness started troubling me a lot and all the places I went reminded me of her and only her. That's when I realised how important she is to me but, it was too late, She had already gone away from me by that time. From that very day, I am trying to search for her, in every part of the world but, 13 years passed but, I couldn't get a single clue of her. The day she went away from me, I also lost the old cheerful and happy me. That's when my friends too realised that she was my happiness and she will always be. Without her, Manik is dead. But, as I said, it was too late.... So listening to your story, I felt like telling you mine. Don't do the mistake I did bro 'get her back before you lose her forever'.

Listening to me, the boy wiped his tears and stood up from his chair. I could see the determination in his eyes. He thanked me for my advice and rushed out to meet the girl.

I too came out of the cafe and went back home and locked myself inside my room and started destroying everything. Then, I came out of my room and entered another room with had every memory of Nandini.

The walls were filled with her and my photos together and her single photos. Seeing those, I started to cry again hugging a stole of hers.

As I close my eyes, her innocent face, her smile, her eyes, our first kiss, first meet, our moments, our breakup and her tears come in front of me.

Where are you Nandu, please come back Jaan... Me without you is always incomplete. I know, I have not done a mistake, it's a sin. I left you when you needed me the most. But please, come back once and I promise, I'll never let you go ever again.

But Nandu, I realised one thing very dearly, that is, "Sometimes you don't realize how much you care for someone until they stop caring for you."

I was hugging her photo and started remembering our moments behen I heard a knock on the door.

'who's it?', I asked. I didn't allow anyone here except Cabir and my parents.

'It's me Manik', Cabir replied from outside so, I went up to the door and let him in. As he entered, we closed the door behind us and settled on the couches.

'what's the matter Manik? What had happened that you destroyed every single thing in your room except the things related to Nandu and locked yourself up inside this room for more that two hours...', he asked and I looked down trying for some excuse so that he too won't be sad. But, as I looked into his eyes, he was expecting only thruth so, I told him everything that had happened.

That's it, no words were exchanged between us. We both sat thinking about our respective love.

Cabir's pov
Today, I had no important meetings scheduled so, I was sitting in my cabin checking some files. As soon as I was done, I sat back in my chair thinking about my Navya. One hasty decision taken by me and Manik, snatched away all the happiness from us.

I pulled out one of my drawers and took out one of Navu's photo. As I looked at it, all the things which had happened 13 years back started coming back into my mind and I don't know when I had started crying.

Her smile, her laugh, her cute antics, our silly fights, our moments, our breakup, her tears, everything came in front of my eyes and I was drowned in tears when my phone rang. It was Mukthi.

I controlled my emotions and picked up the call. Thats when she informed me that Manik has broken everything in his room and is nowhere to be found. I cut her call and went back home.

As I reached, I rushed upstairs ignoring everyone as I know where he is- in Nandini and his memory room. As I reached, I knocked on the door and he asked me who it is because, in both our memory rooms, noone except me, Manik, Mom and dad are allowed to enter, not even FAB 3. As soon as he heard my voice, he opened the door and let me in. Then, I asked him what happened. First, he tried lying but then, tells me everything about the cafe incident. And that's it, both went into silence thinking about our respective love.

Navu, you know what I realised in these 13 years without you... I realised that "To the world, you may be one person, but to me you are the world."


Hey guys, I hope you all liked the chapter. And if you have experienced such a situation (I mean losing someone close to your heart)and later on regret it, then you can share that memory with me if you all feel so☺☺

Don't forget to like, comment and share😃😃

Stay safe, stay happy 😀😀

With Love,
Krishi Rathode ❤

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