part 31

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In the previous chapter:
An emotional reunion!

Manik and Cabir looked for Abeer and Aarav. But the boys were nowhere at sight. It was clear that they had left. Manik and Cabir felt sas seeing this but, Nandini and Navya who noticed this tried comforting the brothers.

"Don't worry Manik and Cabir... The boys would definitely come around. They are just shocked." Nandini assured.

"Yeah guys... Nandu ia right." The Dare Devils except Nandini said.

"Yeah papa and chachu... You know, Aarav is the one who bought us here... He heard you guys the other day, while you were speaking to eachother secretly and he was the one who bought us here." Nyra said.

"But don't worry, noone except him heard you guys." Myra stated and they sighed in relief.

The Dare Devils and the Malhotra brothers were shocked listening to this. But, they were also relieved that the kids also knew the truth now.

Later, everyone departed to their rooms with a relieved heart. But, there were four souls who were still upset. They were... Manik, Cabir, Aarav and Abeer.


I don't know what I am feeling right now. I mean, I am upset, angry, guilty and overwhelmed at the same time. The father I used to hate till this day was actually innocent? He did not hurt my mother intentionally nor did he abunden us. We were not unwanted... He had a reason for all his acts and that was our protection!

Now, I am feeling more miserable thinking of how badly I have treated him. I held his collar and yelled at him, blaming him for all our miseries, not knowing he had one too. I made him do many chores and treated him like trash. I yelled and yelled at his face that I do not consider him as my father and he's not a good father. I hated everything about the man who did nothing but protect his family- US.

My hate for him melted right when I knew that he was innocent. But, I couldn't stand there because of my guilt. Guilt that I treated my father very badly and hurt him for a reason which was false.

I know that it's not my fault either as none of us knew the whole truth till today but, I am still guilty. I just can't stop my guilt whenever I see his face now. Would he even forgive me? Would he accept me as his son after all I did to him?

I shook all the thoughts off my head and went to the balcony of my room and sat there with my guitar, playing some random tunes to ease my mind.

An hour passed and I was still busy with my guitar when I heard the sound of the door knock. At first, I decided to ignore it but, decided against it as there could be something important.

I placed my guitar on the table and went to open the door. I was shocked to see my father standing outside with mom and Nyra outside my room.

"Could we come in?" Dad asked hesitantly.

"Sure... Mr. Malhotra." I said, stepping aside so that they could enter inside.

"No wait... Actually me and Nyra were about to leave. I just want you both to talk and sort out the differences between you guys. I know, you both have a lot to talk. What say Nyra?" Mom said.

"Yup mom, I agree with you. But papa, tommorow you are completely mine." Nyra said and walked towards her room with mom.

Now it was only me and him in the room. I responsibly went and closed the door so that noone unwanted (FAB 3 and Sid) could see us.

"Umm... I could leave if you don't want me to..."

"I'm sorry Mr. Malhotra, please forgive me." I said, cutting his words in between.

"Why are you asking sorry Aarav? I should be sorry..." He tried consoling me.

"No Mr. Malhotra, you don't need to be sorry. You did what anyone who loves their family would do. But I... I just disrespected you and made you feel unwanted every single time... I'm sorry... Please forgive me." My voice cracked up at the end.

"Don't cry Aarav. You are a strong kid right? And it was neither your fault nor my fault, it was just a play of fate. You were not wrong at your place. Now that the differences between us is sorted... Could you please give me a chance to be your papa?"

"Yes, I would Mr. Malhotra... I mean dad..."

"What did you just say? Could you please repeat it again?'

"I am proud to be your son dad." I said.

"Thank you Aarav. You and Nyra made my the happiest person alive... I'm so happy today. Could I call you champ?"

"Ofcourse papa, you can call me whatever you want." I said happily.



Words can't express how happy I am right now. My love accepted me and forgave me. My kids forgave me and also accepted me as their father. The Dare Devils and the other kids too accepted me and Cabir. This is literally the best day (I mean night) of my life.

"Okay champ, now go to bed, it's already very late." I said and he nodded.

"Could you please stay with me for tonight dad?" He asked softly.

"You want me to stay with you?"

"Yes! Nyra would have mumma with her right now and I would like it if you would stay with me too..."

"Okay but what about my so called friends and your grandparents, uncles and aunts?"

"Ohh, I can handle that I'd you would stay!"

"Sure then champ. How can I say no when my son is being such a softie..." I teased him a bit.

"I am not a softie!" He defended himself.

"Sure champ, now go to sleep." I said, dragging him to his king size bed and covering him with the covers. He just frowned at my comment but did not comment back. I too fell asleep beside him.


A new morning and a new beginning!

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Stay safe and stay happy always 😃

With Love,
Krishi Rathode ❤️

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