part 7

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In the previous chapter:
The outburst of DE 8 on FAB 5! Nandu and Navya's life in danger...


'what are the kids talking about FAB 5?', Raj asked sternly, looking at FAB 5.

'we don't know uncle, infact even we are shocked with all these new found information', FAB 3 stated and all eyes turned to Manik and Cabir.

'Manik? Cabir?', Raj and Neyonika call in unison for their response and Manik and Cabir bow their heads down in guilt, shame and grief.

Seeing this, Raj and Neyonika sense that something is really off. But again, seeing them not speaking, Raj got irritated and asks.
'will you both speak', Raj said in a stern voice but again, Manik and Cabir were silent with their heads down.

'what will they speak uncle? I'll speak- we DE 8 will speak today, ONLY US', Aarav said and chuckled bitterly.

'so let me start... 13 years ago, our mothers, I mean Navya Dixit and Nandini Dixit joined S.P.A.C.E Academy as Navya Naveli and Nandini Murthy', Abeer said with only bitterness in his tone.

'and unfortunately for our mothers, your sons, I mean Cabir Malhotra and Manik Malhotra and their so called friends were studying at the same freaking academy', Aarav said with hatred dripping in his voice.

'and both the couples, I mean- Manik Malhotra and Nandu Bua , Cabir Malhotra  and Navu bua met eachother and fell in love slowly, it's a journey from hatred to love', Aayan said with anger evident in his voice.

'when they were together, everything seemed like a fairy tale for our buas. They loved your sons so much that they could even trust them blindly', Aadvay said with both anger and sadness in his voice. Anger on FAB 5 and sadness imagining what all his buas went through.

'BUT IT WAS NOT A FAIRY TALE IR ANYTHING! IT WAS A NIGHTMARE! A WEB OF BEAUTIFUL LIES CREATED BY YOUR SONS!', Nyra and Myra shouted angrily and listening to them, Aarav and Abeer immediately moved to them and hugged them to because they know that their sisters are very sad and angry seeing Nandu and Navya in a critical condition. Manik and Cabir felt a pang on their heart seeing their children so broken but felt helpless. Then, they remembered what Nyra and Myra told and felt really bad but too, they spoke up this time.

'no, it wasn't a lie... our love isn't a lie', Cabir and Manik mumbled but it was audible to everyone inside the ward.

'oh please, we aren't asking or talking to both of you right now and moreover it's  not the time to joke... we all know and how much you LOVE them', Aarav and Abeer said sarcastically.

'so now, let me continue... where were we *acts like thinking for a minute* ahh... yes, we were speaking about THE BEAUTIFUL WEB OF LIES. Then, one fine day, their so called friends, I mean Ms. Mukthi Vardhan, Ms. Alya Saxena and Mr. Dhruv Vedanth, started feeling VERY INSECURE', Saanvi said with disgust in her voice which is specially meant for FAB 5.

'And then, they won't try to speak and  sort it out. They plan to eliminate... THE SO CALLED FRIENDS ask them, I mean your sons to choose between love and friendship...' Khushi said with anger and disgust for FAB 5.

'wait guys, lets just elaborate their deeds. Let Mr and Mrs Malhotra also know how GREAT  their children are', Aarav said in a serious tone and all DE 8 nodded.

It was a bright sunny day and our couples, MaNan (Manik+ Nandini) and CaVya (Cabir+Navya) were sitting in the FAB 5 Jamming room and were talking to eachother. Manik was strumming his guitar, Cabir was randomly playing his drums and Navya and Nandu were busy in their phones but also paying full attention to Manik and Cabir's talks. Just then, FAB 3 entered and on seeing NavNi (Navya+Nandini) there, they get angry all of a sudden and marched towards Manik and Cabir in anger and stands in front of them.

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