"Never In A Million Years"💞

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Author's Note: A chapter about Fantasia &Taraji was requested so it is. You're welcome!


"Babe, Dallas was fun.....but I'm glad to be back home in our own bed", Fantasia said to her wife Taraji as she cuddled her warm body against hers.

"And I'm glad I decided to take this week off to spend time with my family. You and the girls mean the world to me ", Taraji said as she kissed her wife's lips.

And that's when she heard the voice of one of those darling, angelic teenagers call her name....

"Momma Taraji!! Rihanna won't give me back my shirt!", Beyoncé yelled.

"Rihanna, give Bey back her damn shirt before I whoop your ass!", Taraji yelled. Causing her wife to laugh.

"Babe, Riri is eighteen years old and you're grabbing your slipper to go beat her with it?!"

"Damn right I am! Because she needs to start acting eighteen before I put her ass out!", Taraji said as she dropped her slipper back down on the floor and continued cuddling with her wife.

"Babe....you know you're not putting that girl out....You cried when she turned eighteen", Fantasia reminded her wife.

"Because....she was literally our first child, babe. She'll be twenty in just two years. I'm not ready to let go of our little Riri", Taraji whined.

"Well, you know I'm not either....remember when she would come in here sometimes and ask to sleep with us?", Fantasia asked.

"Babe....she just did that last month...", Taraji replied.

Fantasia giggled. "I know! She would die if the other girls found out she ran in here begging to sleep with us. All because she had a bad dream."

"I know right...Soon all the girls will be out on their own. I know we'll get more girls. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attached to the ones we have now. Megan and Courtney haven't even been here long and I feel a strong bond with them already", Taraji admitted.

"I love both those girls so much. I don't see how their mother could choose anything or anybody over them", Fantasia said.

"Well....you know I know all about that type of shit....", Taraji stated.

Sadly, Taraji was raised by her aunt and uncle because her mother was just like Megan and Courtney's mom.

"All I can do is pray their mother gets it together before she ends up in an early grave like my mother did", Taraji added.

Her mother overdosed on a popular drug called heroin back in the day when she was only twenty eight years old. Taraji was just nine when that happened.

"Well like I always say, at least what you went through inspired you to help other kids who can relate to your past. It made you the beautiful, compassionate soul that I fell in love with", Fantasia stated.

"Thank you for choosing me to fall in love with, babe", Taraji said.

"Why wouldn't I?", Fantasia asked.

"Because we were from two different worlds. You came from a wealthy family. But my auntie and uncle struggled to not only feed their own three kids, but their niece too. That's why they made sure we all got good grades and college degrees. They wanted us to have better lives than they did", Taraji replied.

"Bae....when I met you in college I didn't care anything about you not being rich like me. I was actually glad to meet somebody who wasn't all snobbish like most of the kids I went to high school with. You didn't try to impress me with money. You impressed me by making me laugh, taking me to soul food restaurants around campus, and sharing your dreams and goals with me. Plus you showed no mercy on my pussy! Took my whole damn breath away! You definitely gave me something to write home about!", Fantasia exclaimed.

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