Chapter 23

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The days went by as Win was enjoying his vacation with his family. He went to beaches and amusement parks along with his siblings. He was reliving his childhood and it felt amazing.

Win would always send pictures of his day to Bright and let him know about his vacation. Although Bright wanted to be there, he felt happy for his boyfriend. Everything was going under their control, happy and peaceful

Until one day.

Win was out shopping with his brother since there were only two days left and he wanted to buy some sovereigns for his friends and colleagues and of course Bright.

He and Mick were bickering over a shirt. Arguing that Win had spotted the shirt first so he got it but Mick came up again and said he touched it first. It was normal for the siblings to fight so it wasn't such a big deal.

As they were walking by, Win spotted a familiar face. He narrowed his eyes and tried to get a good look at it. His eyes widened in realisation and he was about to yell "Patri...cia?"

He saw her going inside a hospital but the disturbing thing was, that it was a mental hospital. Mainly for mentally retarded people. He was confused because she had never mentioned having any person in her life who was admitted to that hospital. Then again he thought maybe she wanted to keep it private.
"Phi what's wrong?" Mick nudged at Win. He shook his head and smiled faintly.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw someone familiar."

The two brothers shrugged it off and went back home. When Win got home, he didn't know if he should tell Patricia that he saw her. He wanted to ask if everything was okay but he didn't want to sound like a pushover so he didn't.

On the last day of his vacation in Phuket, he found a message on his phone.

Hey, Win it's Patricia. You're flying back to Bangkok tomorrow, right? I'll see you at the airport. :)

It had been quite a few days since she had reached out to him and suddenly she remembered that he was flying back the next day. He felt a bit confused but shrugged it off.

He sent a message to his boyfriend and went to sleep.

Win: I'll see you tomorrow. I love you

The next day

Win's brother insisted on driving him to the airport and seeing him off although he told her numerous times not to. He didn't listen and still drove him to the airport. They had some small talk and they finally arrived at the airport.

He gave him a goodbye hug and promised to visit soon. He boarded the flight and waited for the plane to fly soon.

He was trailing on the stain in his shirt when he felt a tap on his shoulder.


"Hi Win!! I'm so happy I get to sit next to you again." She smiled warmly at him and sat next to him.

It could be a coincidence that she got the seat right next to him again but something didn't fit right this time. Both of them continued talking and sharing their experience during the trip.

Midway through their conversation, Win felt the urge to ask her about the time he saw her entering the mental hospital.

"Um...Patricia, I saw you a few days back. You were going inside a....mental hospital" he didn't want to offend her but he was genuinely curious.

She paused for a moment then smiled. "Oh, you should've called my name that time. My cousin is the doctor in that hospital so I was merely paying a visit."

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