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Jimin's laughter filled the room as he looked at Jungkook, reveling in the cruel manipulation that had brought them to this point. His words dripped with disdain for Catherine. "You know I never really liked Catherine. She is too sweet and bubbly, but you? You fell head over heels for her." He chuckled sadistically. "But my sister had to be in your girlfriend's shadow, so what did she do? She paid other people to destroy your little girlfriend. But it didn't work, so plan B was to manipulate her, make her hate you, and have you cheat by having you drugged with alcohol. And that's where we are now."

As Jimin revealed the extent of the betrayal, the room felt suffocating with the weight of deception. Meanwhile, Mia took off the tape from Catherine's mouth and removed the blindfold. Catherine, realizing the depth of her friend's betrayal, couldn't contain her anguish."Why are you doing this to me?! We were friends!!" Catherine yelled at Mia, the pain and confusion evident in her voice. The revelation struck her like a blow, the betrayal from someone she had trusted cutting deeper than any physical pain.

Jimin's cold laughter echoed in the room as he watched the unfolding drama, reveling in the chaos they had orchestrated. The twisted motives and sinister plots had torn apart the fabric of trust, leaving Catherine and Jungkook entangled in a nightmare of manipulation and deceit.As the characters grappled with the harsh reality, the narrative took a darker turn, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation that would test the resilience of the characters and the bonds that had once seemed unbreakable.

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