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They decided to keep him away from Catherine, locking themselves in her room. "Catherine, please wake up," Taehyung pleaded, holding his twin's hand. Eventually, Catherine opened her eyes, confused about her surroundings. As she interacted with her brothers, a mysterious young man, Jungkook, entered the scene, revealing a connection to her past.
Catherine's POV
Despite my love for my brothers, there was a gap in my memory, accompanied by a throbbing headache. I decided to trust my brothers for now. Spotting a crying young man, I invited him in once my brothers left. "Hey, the guy who was crying, please come in," I asked kindly.

Jungkook's POV

"Hey, the guy who was crying, please come in," Catherine requested. Jungkook composed himself and entered. "Why were you crying?" Catherine inquired, oblivious to the past events. "It's nothing. I just felt responsible for you being here," Jungkook sighed. "How so, when I don't even know you?" Catherine questioned with a soft smile. "Ah, no reason at all," Jungkook replied, rubbing his neck. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, the world's sexiest man," he introduced himself. Catherine giggled, covering her blushing face. "Nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook," she said, shaking his hand. Jungkook felt a mix of emotions as he sat by Catherine's bedside. Her innocence and the genuine way she interacted with him, not remembering their shared history, added a layer of complexity to the situation. He couldn't shake off the guilt that lingered within him.

Catherine, unaware of the tension surrounding her, continued to chat with Jungkook. "Jeon Jungkook, the world's sexiest man," she repeated giggling. Jungkook chuckled, finding solace in her lightheartedness. For a moment, he could forget the troubles that had unfolded. As the days passed, Catherine's memory slowly started to piece together fragments of her life. The brothers remained cautious, selectively revealing information to avoid causing her unnecessary distress. Despite their efforts, certain gaps in her memory persisted. One day, as Catherine and Jungkook shared a moment in the hospital room, she looked at him with a quizzical expression. "Jeon Jungkook, why do I feel like there's something more between us?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

Jungkook hesitated, contemplating how to navigate the delicate situation. "Well, we... we were close. Friends, you could say," he replied cautiously, choosing not to delve into the more complicated aspects of their past.

Catherine's gaze lingered on Jungkook, sensing a depth beyond his words. "Is that all?" she questioned, her curiosity evident. Jungkook sighed, grappling with the internal conflict of honesty versus protecting her from potential pain. Before he could respond, the door swung open, and her brothers returned with a tray of food. The atmosphere shifted as they exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. The brothers remained vigilant, shielding Catherine from the truth they deemed too heavy for her fragile state. As the days turned into weeks, Catherine's recovery progressed, both physically and mentally. The hospital room became a space where she formed new connections and rediscovered relationships. Jungkook, despite the complexity of their history, found himself drawn to the resilient spirit that emanated from her. The uncertainty of the future loomed over them, but in that hospital room, amidst laughter, tears, and shared moments, a unique bond began to form – a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for healing even in the face of forgotten memories.

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