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As Mia continued to be a presence in Catherine's life, her actions took an unexpected turn. She became increasingly clingy to Jungkook, subtly positioning herself near him whenever they were in the same space. Catherine, still navigating the maze of her memories, observed Mia's behavior with a furrowed brow, sensing an unspoken tension in the air.

One day, Mia boldly declared, "Jungkook, honey, let's go grab something to eat. I've been craving that new restaurant downtown." She intertwined her fingers with Jungkook's, casting a glance at Catherine, who couldn't quite comprehend the dynamics at play. Jungkook caught off guard, exchanged a glance with Catherine. His eyes conveyed a mixture of confusion and discomfort, but Mia seemed oblivious to his inner turmoil. "Sure, Mia," he responded, attempting to disentangle their hands discreetly. Seokjin, always watchful, noticed the brewing tension and decided to intervene. "Mia, perhaps it's time for you to go on a friendly outing. How about a dinner date with Jimin? He's been wanting to catch up with you."Mia's eyes widened, a momentary flicker of irritation crossing her face. "Jimin? Oh, I'm not interested in him. Jungkook is my boyfriend."

Seokjin maintained a calm demeanor, his gaze unwavering. "Mia, let's not complicate things. Catherine needs space, and it's not fair to take advantage of her situation. Jimin is a good friend, and I believe you two could have a great time together."Despite Mia's reluctance, Seokjin's suggestion resonated with Jungkook, who welcomed the opportunity for a breather from the strained atmosphere. Seokjin smiled at Catherine, reassuring her, "Jimin is a good choice for you, sweetheart. Give it a chance."Catherine, still grappling with the complexities of her fractured memory, hesitated. However, she trusted her brother's judgment and agreed to the idea. Seokjin arranged the meeting, and soon Jimin and Catherine found themselves in a cat cafe, engaging in light-hearted conversation. As Catherine and Jimin shared laughter and exchanged stories, a genuine connection began to form. Seokjin, observing from a distance, couldn't help but smile. "See, Catherine? Jimin is a good guy, and he genuinely cares about you."The unfolding events revealed the intricacies of relationships, both lost and found. Mia's attempt to manipulate the situation had been gently redirected, allowing Catherine to explore new connections. The web of emotions continued to unravel, and in the midst of it all, Seokjin remained a guiding presence, steering his sister toward the path of healing and self-discovery.

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