Diarmuid bowed his head. "As my master commands."

"When we're out and about, you better not do that," she warned as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. "Once we get your clothes, we need to get you a passport. I think I know someone who might be able to help us with that."

"You mean, you plan on having me be physically present?" He asked.

"Well, you said it yourself when I summoned you, you can only see danger when you're in physical form, and it'll be easier to detect other servants, right? I think it's best just to get you some general clothes and then that way you can try on others." She said as she slipped into her jacket. "We should get going, we don't have all day." After collecting her keys, she picked up the sword and looked at it for a few seconds before figuring it would draw too much attention if she were to carry it on herself. She hid it underneath the bed and shoved the spellbook into her bag before exiting the room and asking Diarmuid to dematerialize.

Walking was a feat in itself for Artoria at the moment, but after having taken five extra strength ibuprofen tablets, she was starting to feel the pain a little less. She knew it wasn't healthy to be taking so many tablets, but at this point, it really didn't matter. Passing through the streets of London, she made sure to look around herself a few more times, just to be sure there wasn't anyone following after her. The spring air had finally started to warm, and along with the sun it was clearly sweater weather. Artoria had wanted to peel off her jacket, but decided against it thinking that maybe it would serve as some protection.

Something in the store windows caught her eye and she slowed to a stop in front of an art store. She stared at the black cylinder case. She thought about it for a second before stepping into the store, the annoying wind chime rang above her as she pushed the heavy glass door open. The store was lined with all sorts of art supplies, from watercolours to canvases, they even had modelling clay. Artoria analyzed the shelves, her eyes skimming over the products quickly, mind set on finding that cylinder case.

There it was, at the end of the row, in between the architecture models and blueprint paper. Artoria picked up a blueprint case. Unlike the one that she saw at the storefront which was only plastic, this one looked more professional. It was made of black fabric encasing a hard plastic shell, it had pockets and what looked like a well crafted golden yellow strap. It was the perfect size for her sword. She ended up buying it before she headed to a clothing store that was closest to her, which was only a few storefronts north.

It was proving quite difficult to find an outfit for Diarmuid as there was no way she knew his size, but after a while, she was able to find clothes that would be enough to fit him while they searched for better clothes. Diarmuid now stood before her in a white t-shirt that was three sizes too big and a huge pair of jeans. She couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked.

"With all due respect, master, I am not fond of this style, I prefer my armour, it's more flexible." He looked down at himself after she had ushered him into a bathroom to change.

Artoria eyed him, leaning against the sink with her arms crossed over her chest. "What did I say about calling me that?"

"Forgive me, my lady." He drew a hand to his chest and Artoria had to stop him from bowing.

Artoria sighed as she rubbed her brow. "Just call me Artoria when we're out here," she explained. "Let's get you some better clothes now that you don't look like you belong in a show."

Diarmuid obediently followed after Arturia, getting a few odd looks once they had left the washroom together. As they continued down the street, they got a few more stares. Artoria wasn't sure if it was because of his outfit, or if it was because they were such an odd pair. She brushed off the looks and led her servant into a high end store; it was easier for others to fit him into proper clothes than having her look through all the racks until she found something suitable.

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