Chapter 49

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"Welcome back, love birds," Tony greeted with a smirk, and you sighed, realizing Thor spilled the beans.

"Hello, Iron Guy," Loki quipped, and you shot him a playful glare.

"Wanda, wasn't it?" you asked, turning to her with a frown.

"Hello, (Y/N)," she replied, her Sokovian accent familiar and comforting.

Searching for the white-haired guy, you noticed his absence. Wanda followed your gaze, her grief evident.

"He's gone," she admitted, masking her pain behind a stoic expression.

"I'm sorry for your loss," you whispered, offering your condolences.

Loki, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off the red robot.

"What trickery is this?" he questioned.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Vision," the robot declared, sounding oddly like Jarvis.

"He sounds like..." you started, looking at the ceiling before turning back. "Jarvis?"

"Yeah, but he's not Jarvis," Tony clarified.

Just as you were about to inquire further, a kid shorter than you, barely reaching your neck, squeezed through.

"Excuse me," he mumbled, making his way to Tony.

"Mr. Stark, I really have to go. I have a chemistry test tomorrow," the kid pleaded.

"We haven't been gone for too long to turn this tower into a kindergarten." Loki teased

The kid turned to you and Loki, discomfort evident in his eyes. Letting go of Loki's hand, you bent down to the kid's eye level.

"Easy there, boy. What's your name?" you asked kindly.

"Peter... Parker... Y-you are (Y/N), right?" he stammered nervously.

You smiled warmly at Peter's nervousness.

"That's right, Peter. Nice to meet you," you said, offering a reassuring pat on his shoulder.

Tony chimed in,

"Peter here is our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, in case you didn't know." he said

Loki raised an eyebrow, eyeing Peter with newfound interest.

"A spider-themed hero, how quaint." he said

Peter shifted uncomfortably but managed a small grin.

"It's, uh, not as glamorous as it sounds." he said

As the introductions unfolded, you couldn't help but notice Wanda's distant gaze. Sensing her struggle, you spoke softly,

"Wanda, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." you said

she nodded with appreciation evident in her eyes and managed a small smile .

As Peter bid Tony farewell and exited the kitchen, Tony trailed behind, veering off toward his lab. Simultaneously, Wanda and Vision found themselves entangled in a captivating conversation.

Loki's footsteps approached, and you sensed his presence as he gracefully stood by your side. His arm encircled your waist, and his lips brushed against your ear, causing a subtle tilt of your head.

In a low, enticing whisper,

"How about we embark on something extraordinary..just you and me?" he said

" what do you have in mind ? " you said. a smile creeping on your lips

in that moment Wanda and vision had already left the kitchen . leaving you and Loki alone

I Saw The Light ( Loki x vampire reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang