Chapter 31

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" there's something on your mind... what is it?" Loki said

" what's with mother?" Thor said

" she's in danger we have to go.. now" you said

immediately everyone was ready to run

" wait! .. let us help " loki said making them stop.

" how?!" Hogun said

" they can teleport us right away" Thor said

" is it safe? " fandral said

" yes totally " Thor said

you offered then your hands and so did Loki. all of you held hands closing a circle together

you and Loki looked at each other before you closed your eyes and teleported straight to the castle.

once you appeared. Thor started moving away after he gave a few instructions to the warriors and siff .

suddenly you felt a horrible pain in your back that sent you on your knees groaning.

all the attention suddenly turned to you and Loki who was on his knees beside you

" (y/n) !! what happened?!!" Loki said placing a hand on your back

you weakly looked at him . you didn't tell him that you had linked yourself with Frigga after you left Asgard.

" it's Frigga... go to Frigga" you told Thor

Thor immediately ran to find his mother without hesitation. you stood up with Loki's hand supporting you

suddenly a group of ugly elves walked around the corner and towards you.

" let's go" you told Loki

the warriors ran towards the elves to fight while you and Loki followed Thor to Frigga

you grabbed Loki's hand and sped to Frigga's room . when you arrived you froze in place shocked and horrified.

and elf pulled a sword out of Frigga's back and threw her to the ground. you unconsciously walked towards her slowly not aware of your surroundings anymore

Thor arrived and hit the elf with his hammer sending it flying out of the balcony.

you dropped to the ground next to her . Jane came out from behind a column but you just ignored her.

" f-frigga..." you said

Thor rushed and stood beside Frigga and soon odin followed. you snapped out of it and bit your wrist.

you put it on her mouth and held her head to help her drink but it was in vain.

" (y/n)'s over" Loki said with grief

" I'm not letting her go..." you said

you put both hands on her chest and started saying your strongest spell of bringing people from the dead.

you closed your eyes

" revertere a mortuis ego mando tibi " you said

~ Loki's pov ~

she started saying her spell with so much grief and pain . Odin came into the room right before it and just stood there beside me

" she's hurting your mother we have to-" he said

" no she's not... " I said

Odin looked at me with confusion before he slowly looked back at her

" what is she doing then? " he said

I Saw The Light ( Loki x vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now