Chapter 40

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" liar " Klaus told Loki calmly

but from the years of knowing Klaus. that's the calmness before the storm .

" I might be the god of mischief and lies but I do not lie to her especially in stuff like this" Loki said gently pushing you by the waist out of his way

" you are only lying to take her away from me " Klaus said

" if I wanted to I would have done it less cheaply than that " Loki said

Klaus got really mad and attacked Loki . they started fighting together like dogs . and you.. you were shocked. what did you do to deserve this ? why would Klaus apart from everyone else do this?

did he only love you because you were from another realm and just wanted you as a project. a learning opportunity ?

and what hurt you more... it was Caroline. your first midgardian bestie.

you couldn't process anything that was happening. and you couldn't even respond to your name being called

" (Y/N)!! " lilly shouted

you snapped back to reality and looked at her .

" what..." you faintly said

she looked at Loki and Klaus. they were still fighting. Loki had a bleeding lip and Klaus had blood all over him .

you aimed your arm at Klaus and swung at towards the wall making Klaus fly and hit it .

Klaus got up , anger filling his face . you raised your arm again and twisted your hand four times and four loud crack filled the tower followed by Klaus' bitter scream

you broke all his limbs and made a temporary spell that stopped his healing for a while . you slowly walked to him

" I hope I was a good entertainment " you said before disappearing into the thin air .

~ Loki's pov ~

she just disappeared after breaking Klaus' arms and legs. he was in so much pain and what increased his agony was him not healing as vampires always did

I walked to him and stood above him .

" I don't want to see your face here again or the next time you Walk out of here you will be a faceless walking excuse of a man " I growled at him

Klaus looked up at me . his face showing pain and unease. I whispered a spell which sent him back to mystic falls

" what was that ?!" lilly said with a wtf tone

" I have previously told you that it was a story for another time and as far as my recent concerns it's not the right time " I said while turning around to face her and casually walking to the elevator to get to my sweet girl.

" hey !! wait up " Lilly said jumping in the elevator with me

I sighed and pressed on the button to our floor. the doors closed and the elevator started rising.

" so... how do you know she's in that floor?" she saidy

" it's where her room is " I said

lilly finally realized that I didn't care about anything now but to find (y/n) and be by her side .

the elevator made a ding sound and stopped . the doors opened and I in a matter of seconds was walking down the corridor to her room .

lilly following me . her head looking at every corner of the place .

obviously she wasn't paying any attention and didn't notice that I had stopped Infront of the room's door and bumped into me .

" sorry.." she said taking a step back

I let out a breath and looked at the door . I knocked on the door but nobody answered so I twisted the knob and got inside.

she was sitting next to the huge window in her room , her back facing us

" (y/n)?.." I said

she looked at me . I would have believed she was ok if I didn't see through her illusion which she obviously put on herself to avoid questions

" are you ok ? " I said getting closer to her

" of course I am . why wouldn't I be ? " she spoke shrugging her shoulders

I knew her too well to fall for that so I just approached her and pulled her into my embrace. making her head rest on me as I stood Infront of her .

" could you give us a second, please? " I told lilly

she nodded and got out of the room closing the door behind her . I sat beside her and pulled her closer to me .

so she was sitting on My lap , her head on my chest however emotionless. not a single sound was made . not a single tear was shed

she was still in shock. which made me go mad . how could a man throw such valuable diamond

we stayed like this for about half an hour none of us moving or even speaking.

until she broke the silence

" I was nothing to him .." she said

' you are everything to me ' I thought

" he just used me .." she said

' I will adore you ' I thought

" why does no one love me like I do them ?" she said

' I do ' I thought

I couldn't say any of my thoughts. yes she had forgiven me and we were friends but I didn't think she would ever have it in her heart to love me

" what he did was unforgivable, but it's not your fault. you did nothing wrong and I'm not saying that because you were with me . you needed help and I was by your side..

..that's what friends do . he is the one who was supposed to be there by your side.. " I said

" .. but .. he said he loved me.. he said he would protect me and be by my side forever.. why would he lie ? " she said

her voice broke my heart with how much grief it held

" not everyone is faithful and loyal in a relationship my dear.. " I said putting a strand of hair behind her ear

" why would people be so cruel ?" she said

" it could be a result of past traumatic events or they just have fun hurting others.." I said

from the way she asked about it I concluded that it was the first time she experienced love with someone other than her family

I wanted to tell her that I would be better. I wanted to tell her that I'd never leave
I wanted to tell her that I'd be faithful to her..

..I wanted to tell her that I loved her

we stayed silently in each other's arms . me stroking her hair and she just sitting there feeling safe.

a moment I wished would last

but how could it be when you live with the avengers.

" please head to the meeting room " Jarvis said.

she looked up before slowly getting out of my embrace , taking all the warmth with her .

" thank you" she said placing her hand on mine

" I think we are way past thanking each other for basic things" I said with a small smirk

she smiled before getting up

" i. um.. I will go wash my face " she said

" I will wait for you" I said standing up

she nodded before turning around and heading to the bathroom.

I would wait for her...

.. no matter how long it took

I Saw The Light ( Loki x vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now