Chapter 23

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~ back to normal pov ~

loki was the one who pushed you away from the fight. after you regained your balance .

you heard grunts coming from Loki . as soon as you looked your face fell .

loki was pinned to the wall his hands trying to push Klaus off of him but without a use. his face held the expression of pain and shock.

Klaus was pinning him to the wall and his face was buried into the side of Loki's neck. that's when it hit you.

he was feeding on Loki .

" NO KLAUS!!!" you screamed at him .

but he didn't bother listening to you. And continued digging his fangs in Loki's neck.

Loki was obviously fighting to keep his eyes opened.

" kobleden " you shouted aiming your hand at Klaus

klaus was now linked to the movement of your hand . so you waved your hand up and to the side. he found himself floating away from Loki which clearly pissed him off.

you kept moving until Klaus was floating in the upper corner of the room.

" sorry love...but I said don't kill him" you said

Klaus was obviously mad . you ignored him and your eyes went to Loki. he was kneeling on the floor with one hand to support him from falling and the other on his neck .

you ran to him and knelt beside him . as soon as you did . he fell in your embrace and the other hand surrounded his ribs

you touched where his hand was and felt with your magic that he had a broken rib

" it's nothing...I'm fine " he said trying to get up .

he did manage to stand up and so did you. you stood up to be by his side.

he was bleeding too much . and obviously Klaus drank too much because. well .. it's klaus

Loki's eyes started closing in addition to him looking like he was getting so dizzy that he began swaying.

you caught him before falling and sat down on the floor again with him laying in your arms

" oh come on now...why do you care for him....all he did for you was hurt you" Klaus said

you ignored him and bit your wrist quickly

" you are going to heal him?...are you serious now love?..." Klaus said scoffing

again you ignored him and placed your wrist on Loki's mouth and helped him drink. Loki's eyes finally opened and he placed a hand on your wrist that was on his mouth . he was breathing heavily.

you looked at his neck and felt his ribs. he was all good now.he started calming down from the pain .

" that doesn't make any sense...." Klaus muttered.

" why not ?" you said standing up and looking at him

" you care so much for him don't you?..." he said

" no I don't" you said

" lies " he said

you sighed and turned around to support Loki up . he touched his neck looking at Klaus angerily

loki looked so mad that he was about to go clash with Klaus again . you placed a hand on his chest in order to calm him down

he looked at you and unexpectedly his face relaxed and his tension decreased. he shot Klaus one more glance before he turned around and left the room.

you sighed and relief and waved your hand to put Klaus down. when he landed safely he looked at you with a confused look

" don't look at me like one wants him dead" you said looking at him

" you want him dead" he said

" no Klaus.... that's why I healed him in the first place" you said

" you did what?" he said

" I gave him my blood...." you said

" you don't forgive you?" he said

" no not in a thousand years will I ever forgive him ....but-" you said

you looked at the ground shaking your head . not a word can be formed

" .... you have feelings for him?" he said

" no that's not it....I just felt kinda bad for his brother" you said

Klaus huffed and started walking out of the door

" I have important things to do than this (y/n)... " he said before disappearing out of your sight.

you sat on the bed not knowing how to deal with Klaus now.

~ Loki's pov~

and once again. she saved me. I was terribly confused about my state. she saved me like three times and tricked me once.

and it was enough for me to hurt her like that. what a fool . I heard her fight with klaus after I left .

out of curiosity I went and stood beside the door listening to everything. she told him that she healed me for Thor.

however it was obvious that he didn't believe her . after Alot of talking he opened the door and left her inside.

when he saw me he stared deep down my soul. I stood without moving a single muscle but looking deeply in his eyes.

he shoved me away before walking out of my sight. I sighed and was about to open the door back to where she was .

but stopped. it was my fault. their fight was my fault. I was probably the last person she wanted to see.

so . I walked away

~ Thor's pov~

I decided that it was time to go back to Asgard. I didn't want Loki to be punished but if we didn't go father would be very mad

besides Jane was oddly ill and I thought maybe I would find her cure on Asgard

so I went to (y/n)'s room.

I saw her boyfriend Klaus walking in the opposite direction of her room . When I reached her room Loki was standing next to her door looking sad.

Something was definitely wrong

" Loki ? What happened?" I said

" Nevermind..." He simply said before walking away leaving me alone infront of her room.

Lair as always. Something was obviously bothering him . And Klaus was also angry

What the hell was going on?.

I brushed it off before knocking on the door...

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