Chapter 13

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I check my email and see that I have a meeting with the production team in 15 minutes. They want to discuss the new fabric we are using for my collection. I don't know much about it, just that it's made of organic cotton. Rebecca was her usual self today: talkative and cheerful. Johanna didn't threaten me, so that's a win. 

Also, weird, if she's really dating Dylan. 

Jules is still mad but he's keeping it civil. He only talks to me when he absolutely has to or Rebecca makes him. Tyler is weirdly friendly. I decided to just ignore it.

Dylan held a pencil in his hand and a smile on his lips. "I believe this is yours."

"It must have fallen when I came in. I just dropped everything here." I pointed to the mess of papers on my table and he chuckled.

"You have a meeting soon, right?" I nodded. "I brought this for you. It's good to keep yourself focused." He handed me a cereal bar and I smiled, shaking my head to refuse the snack. I do have a habit of eating before meetings. He couldn't possibly know that and I won't be giving this information to him. "I'll just leave it here. Have a nice day!" He put the bar on my table and left. He was acting weird today. 

Maybe it's because of yesterday. 

I was also acting weird. My pulse was suddenly faster when I saw his smile and I kept noticing little things in his appearance, like the way his hair was looking brighter and softer today and his ears were slightly red. My body is a traitor. 

I need to do something about it.

"Nixie-No-Waste!" Blaze tapped on my table and I rolled my eyes. So much for a good day.

"What is this nickname?" He chuckled.

"I thought you'd never ask." He rested one arm on the table and the other on the back of my chair, trapping me with him. Perfect. Another predator. Just what I need. "You care about the planet, that means you hate waste." I arched my eyebrows, unimpressed. "So you're buddy-buddy with the boss now?"

"And this is your business since?" I pushed his arm away from my chair.

"Since I opened my heart for you." I cackled.

"Sure. Well, I have to say you were very quick with it." He lifted his brows, crossing his arms.

"Quick?" He huffed. "Eco-Hero, I'm known for taking my time and tasting every bit of life." He lowered himself until his face was level with mine. "But you'll know this soon, babe. I'll heat you up in ways you never imagined."

"Get out of here." I kept my tone sharp. He stood up again, one hand in his pocket.

"Are you going out with Dylan?" I cackled. As if. "You're talking to him. I see the way he looks at you." Is this jealousy? Ugh!

"Nothing's going on with Dylan and I." I said. Blaze is a king of gossip, if he goes out telling everyone I'm dating Dylan, it won't be good for me. It also wouldn't be true. Not even close to the truth. It could harm my plan of getting closer to Dylan to find his secrets. He could start avoiding me to avoid the gossip. It could ruin my only chance of saving this company.

"Good." He put on his usual smirk. "I have to go. Don't go tying any love knots around your heart. " He sent me a kiss and I rolled my eyes. 

This is what I get for being nice to him.

I checked my emails one last time before going to the meeting. Johanna and Tyler will be working on the production of the collection I designed. It feels like a mirage. I designed a collection and it's about to have a launching. I dreamed about this moment all of high school and college. 

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