CH 17.3 Every Party Needs a Pooper

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The celebratory feast was a grand affair, with a long table set at the front for the most important guests, and the rest of the populace spread out on blankets on the ground. The air was filled with lively music and melodious singing, and Alex couldn't help but hope that there would be dancing after dinner.

Gabe, dressed in formal robes, sat at the head table between Clan Head Gaza and Clan Heir Argo. His posture exuded regality, and his golden retriever eyes held a quiet strength. As Alex's gaze lingered on him, Rile leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Should I be jealous?"

Alex blushed and shook her head, snapping herself out of the trance. "Thanks for sitting in the back with me," Alex addressed both Rile and Cale.

Cale shrugged nonchalantly. "It doesn't matter where I sit, I wouldn't be at the head table anyway. Middle son, middle brother - not exactly considered 'important' in the family hierarchy."

Distressed, Alex hugged him. "That's so unfair. You're the best of us."

          "As youngest son, I wouldn't be up there either." Rile sounded jealous.

          "No, you'd be surrounded by fawning females," Alex said, unsympathetic.

Rile's gaze darted to Alex, and he couldn't resist a sly grin. "There's only one female I want to fawn over me."

Alex took the hint and snuggled closer under Rile's arm. Gabe, seated at the head table, looked over at them and a flicker of something crossed his features.

          "He looks lonely." Alex sighed.

          "It was his choice," Rile replied instantly.

All sympathy fled from Alex's expression, and Rile nodded with satisfaction. As Clan Head Gaza rose to his feet, the bustling conversations halted, all attention turned towards him.

"Gabe, son of Gideon, you've made me proud. If your father Gideon was here, he would be proud, too," Gaza said.

Gabe straightened his back and met Gaza's gaze with a steady one of his own. "Thank you, honored Clan Head."

          "I offer my eldest daughter Kini as your united one." The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Gaza's words hung in the air.

Alex almost choked on her bread, and Rile couldn't help but grin at her chagrin as he pounded her back. Despite their prior discussions and knowledge of the outcome, Alex seemed nervous about this moment.

Rile, on the other hand, was simply curious to see how Gabe would handle turning down such a prestigious offer from the Clan Head.

Cale, sitting calmly beside him, didn't appear worried either. But when Kini's intense glare landed on Alex, Rile felt a surge of protectiveness bubble up. In that moment, he decided to hate Kini.

          "Clan Head." General Sorey stood up, and several generals stood behind him.

Rile saw that things were going to be even more interesting than he had hoped. He stood up, and Cale and Alex quickly positioned themselves beside him.

"Clan Head Gaza," General Sorey began sternly, his voice echoing with authority. "We cannot allow you to continue putting our clan at risk. A uniting ceremony is simply not an option. The Guardians, particularly the female alien, are like magnets for The Adversary. They must be removed from our midst if we hope to survive."

Gaza's hand trembled as he gripped the edge of the table. "I have already addressed this nonsense," he hiss-growled. "The Guardians are here to help us, not bring danger upon us."

Argo's massive hand slammed onto the wooden table, causing the cups and plates to rattle. "I couldn't agree more!" he boomed.

Sorey's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "We may not all see eye to eye, but we must come to a decision. The marked creature puts us in even greater danger. We must send the Guardians away."

As Sorey spoke, more generals aligned themselves behind him, their expressions grave.

But Gaza and Argo stood almost alone, with only a small group of loyalists by their side. A messenger, panting for breath, ran up and knelt in front of them.

"Clan Head, over half of our troops have taken an offensive stance against us!" the messenger exclaimed.  

Argo raised his head high. "Not my troops," he declared proudly, and the messenger nodded in agreement.

Gabe faced Gaza with respect and gratitude in his eyes. "On behalf of my clan, I thank you for your generous offer. We are honored to have fought alongside you." His words held a hint of sadness as he continued, "However, our duties as Guardians now call us elsewhere, with this battle in the war won."

Rile chuckled at Gabe's reminder of their loyalties, knowing they would always stand with Gaza or Argo should they be threatened.

Alex leaned over and whispered, "Do you really think four Guardians can make a difference against Sorey's massive army?"

Rile nodded confidently, "Every little bit counts. Plus, it's in our job description to meddle in wars and revolutions. Let's see how far we'll be retreating this time."

Argo's usually jovial expression had turned grave as he stood in front of his childhood friend, Gabe. His large hands clasped onto Gabe's shoulders tight as he spoke with urgency. "Gabe, you can't leave. This is your home, with your brothers, in the Clan. Don't let these snakes drive you away."

Gabe patted Argo's hand and smiled sadly. "You know I can't stay, my friend. I lead a Guardian team and we have to be ready to serve on any world at a moment's notice. When we retire from our duties, perhaps then I'll come back and call on you."

Argo pulled him into a hug. "No 'perhaps' about it. We Clan Heirs stick together." As Gabe turned to leave, Argo signaled for his messenger Agama to approach. He quickly whispered orders to them before they hurried off to carry them out.

With a determined stride, Gabe walked down towards Alex and his brothers. She could feel their protectiveness as they formed a shield on either side of her.

A glowing portal appeared at the far edge of the camp, and Rile and Cale exchanged uncertain looks. Without hesitation, Gabe led the way towards it, and Alex and her brothers followed closely behind.

As Alex and the brothers made their way towards the portal, whispers and murmurs followed in their wake. Some faces they recognized, both friendly and unfriendly, but all held a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

Rofe, the camp healer, stepped forward and reached out his hand. Cale met him with a firm forearm grasp before continuing on.

Then Kohe, the priest of the camp, blocked their path. He lifted his arms in a blessing and spoke words of protection for their journey ahead.

As Alex made her way through the group, she exchanged a solemn nod with Rake. But it was Ture who emerged in their path, his broad frame blocking the sunlight. He greeted each of the brothers with a firm grasp of forearms, but when he reached Alex, he pulled her into a tight hug.

"You have a difficult task ahead of you, Ture," Alex murmured into his tympanum.

Promise me you'll come back and check on me, make sure I'm doing everything right," Ture added earnestly.

"I promise," Alex replied.

At the entrance of the portal, Argo stood tall and proud with his messenger Agama by his side, loaded with packs for the Guardians. His face lit up with a warm smile as he greeted them and motioned towards their gear. Gabe glanced at his childhood friend, obviously choking back his emotions, before offering a weak smile in return. As they embraced, Cale joined in and Rile patiently waited to take two of the packs.

With their gear in tow, Gabe gestured for Alex and his brothers to enter the portal first. Together, they stepped into Alex and Rile's Carrollton apartment in New Orleans.



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