CH 11.2 Retired Guardian

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Alex stirred, her lids sliding open to reveal her eyes were a matching brown now. Confusion clouded her gaze as she took in the unknown surroundings; the canvas walls of the tent stretched up above her and foreign smells floating on the air.

Panic seemed ready to crest until a familiarly comforting voice murmured, "It's okay," and strong arms wrapped around her, gently pulling her into an embrace. Rile cradled her against his chest and cooed reassurances as if she were a scared child.

"Rile! Alex!" Cale called out. Rile glanced down at Alex and, upon receiving a nod of approval, he quickly untied the tent flap and held it open for her. She stood up and stepped outside, Rile following close behind.

Beside Cale was an ancient being with leathery skin that seemed to be carved from the bark of a tree. His muzzle was completely silver, and he clutched a staff tightly in one hand. Alex felt his eyes pierce through her. Rile bowed his head in respect, and Alex followed suit.

Ture glanced at Cale. "Young Cale has been relentless with his questions lately," he said, a slight undertone of admiration in his voice.

Rile smiled, his gaze shifting to Cale. "So, this is the source of all your knowledge, huh? Cheater."

Ture chuckled. "Not the only source of knowledge." He gave a fond look in Cale's direction. "He's read every single one of my manuscripts so many times that if you could wear something out by reading; they would be transparent by now."

Alex smiled as pride shined in the old Guardian's eyes.

Ture inclined his head toward Alex. "He tells me you're marked. May I see it?"

She tensed but complied, shifting her clothing slightly away from her chest to reveal a patch of pale skin with an icy-blue hue. His fingers hovered as he sought permission before touching the frosty area. His touch was light as he moved his fingertips in slow circles, scrutinizing it.

Alex gasped when she felt his warmth seep into her skin. "How are your fingers so warm?" she whispered in bewilderment.

"Just like my old teammate," he muttered to himself, ignoring her question. "Let me try something, young Guardian."

His grip tightened for a minute on the spot, and Rile started to move forward to intervene. But Cale held him back and gave a slight shake of his head.

"You know an old Guardian won't hurt Alex," Cale said in a low voice.

With a gentle pressure, Ture finally released the spot.

Thank you, Ture," Alex murmured as she prodded the warm spot on her chest. She was amazed by how much it had been soothed.

Ture's gaze softened, and he smiled proudly. "I still got it."

"Please, can you teach me that?" Rile asked, anxiety in his voice and face, hands now open and palm up in supplication.

"I can teach your whole team. It's only a temporary patch, but I did it when my teammate Aris felt particularly cold. Or if an agent of The Adversary got hold of him." The bright eyes regarded Alex. "Sounds like that happened to you."

Alex gave a single nod of confirmation, dread sparking at what Cale might have shared with the old Guardian.

"Not anybody can do that," Ture said with emphasis before settling himself into a cross-legged position. The brothers all arranged themselves in front of him, eager for the story they knew was coming.

Ture's voice rumbled as he began his story. "In a way, anyone who does evil is an agent of The Adversary. But, like the Portal Guardian chooses her own special Guardians, so can The Adversary. He doesn't do it much, for he doesn't like sharing his power or using it for anything but himself, but he does do it. Those are the only ones who can turn that mark against you."

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