CH 4.2 I'll Be Waiting For You

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          The morning found them weary and defeated. They sat outside the tattered tent, shoulders slumped, faces shadowed by exhaustion. Cale coaxed the campfire back to life with a twig, warming up some roasted goat and a loaf of bread.

"We'll hunt and restock on supplies," Gabe mused as he poked at the bread.

"Agreed," Rile tossed a stick into the flames. "Not that we'll be doing much trading out here."

          "Gabe, you're too thin to play with your food. Please eat that bread." Alex felt a knot grow in her stomach. "I think we need to keep an eye on the market, just in case. And I'm worried those things are still following us."      

"It'll be easy to watch the market," Rile snorted. "They're our adoring fans."

          Cale tossed a hunk of bread to Alex, who caught it midair and grinned. "Alex," he said, "why don't you fly-over while we hunt?"

          Alex nodded. "Sure thing. I'll do it while you two get the carcasses ready for travel."

          Rile snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. "You just want out of the dirty work," he accused, but his tone was playful and Alex responded with a flash of her tongue before they all laughed.


          At the end of the day, when they settled around a crackling campfire, Alex didn't need to say anything. Her shoulders were slumped and her eyes were tinted with fatigue; she had been in the air all day. Speed-bursts and racing against wind currents had taken their toll, just as sailing in a strong wind on a boat always did. Alex pushed those thoughts aside and let herself relax into Rile's embrace, relishing the softness of his hide beneath her hands.

          "Tired?" Rile asked, wrapping an arm around her waist.

          She nodded and leaned further into him, soothed by the comforting rise and fall of his chest as he stroked her arm.

          "I think we're asking too much of you. Maybe you shouldn't do so much."

          "No!" Alex pushed herself upright. "I'm finally useful instead of the hanger-on. Don't take that from me."

Gabe jumped to his feet. "I'll take first watch," he muttered before quickly striding away.

          "Gabe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." Alex's voice trailed off as Gabe continued walking. "Will I ever stop saying the wrong thing? Maybe I should go after him and explain."

          "No." Cale didn't speak much, but when he did, he was firm and Alex listened. "He needs time to himself."

          "Space and time." Rile wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "You know Cale is always right. Don't apologize when he's the one who was wrong, treating you like you were a second-rate Guardian when we were on Earth."

          "I was a second-rate Guardian."

          Cale flung a stick into the campfire with force. "You were a new Guardian, Alex, in need of training, that's all. We've trained since we could walk and you mustered some amazing skills considering what you went through. I think we should leave off the flogging of ourselves, please."

          Alex and Rile stared at him, wide-eyed at his unusual vehemence. He saw their expressions, smiled his usual gentle smile, and his shoulders relaxed.

          "Sorry, these past few months have been unsettling."

          Alex stood up and hugged him. "Unsettling, that's what you call it? You really are the best of us. You don't have to carry all of us on your back alone." She let him go and looked him in the eye. "We're a team, remember? Let's get some sleep together."


          Cale stepped out of the tent and saw Gabe's silhouette in the pre-dawn light. He blocked Gabe's path and said, "Time to switch."

Gabe shook his head defiantly, but Cale went on: "I rarely want anything. But we both know what happens when I do."

With a wry smile, Gabe entered the tent. Alex was curled on her side, back against Rile's chest. Rile had a protective arm over her, offering her warmth and safety even in sleep. As Gabe watched them, he reached out and stroked Alex's hair.

"That used to be my sleeping spot," he whispered. "I wish you knew how useful you really are. You deserve better than this life, Alex. And if Rile's temper gets the best of him or he tires of you like he has every other female, I'll be here waiting for you, just as he did to me."

Alex stirred as Gabe settled next to her. She flung an arm across him, still asleep. But Rile wasn't and a familiar anger re-ignited in his heart.


          The next morning, Alex returned from her fly-over with a report that the market had been completely dismantled. Gabe decided they would pack up and go back to their original camp.

"Let's check on Gaza's clan on our way back to camp," Cale said.

"Since I visited it," Rile said. "And if the monsters show up, that means they're dogging our steps."

The group stayed close together in silence as they walked. Rile's fists were clenched tightly at his sides, Gabe chewed on his lip in concern, and Alex looked forward with determination, and Cale watched it all.


          When they arrived, the scene was apocalyptic. Clouds of smoke filled the sky, and a frenzied screeching sound echoed in the air. The Agama campground was under attack by a horde of black monsters, which were pouring out from floating portals. Gabe quickly outlined his plan to fight back, but before he could finish talking, Cale spoke up with an unusual strategy.

          "I want Alex to fly me to the nearest open portal. I want to try something. If it doesn't work, she can blast it like before."

          Gabe nodded, and Alex took all the brothers aloft. She dropped Rile and Gabe along the leading edge of monsters. Their wings spread and they glided gracefully to the ground. Once they touched down, their wings snapped back, and they fiercely slashed monsters with their swords. Alex blasted a few parting shots at the fanged, clawed toads before she and Cale flew to the portal.

          Cale called up to Alex, his voice firm but worried. "Drop me close," he shouted above the noise of battle.

          "No," Alex replied, squeezing his hand tightly. "We'll do this my way - I'll keep us flying and you can try your plan while we're still airborne. If that fails then I'll clear a spot for you."

Cale smiled at her determination and nodded in agreement. "Yes, fly right up to the portal, within sword's reach. We'll see if this works."

          It worked. It worked extremely well. When Cale slashed the black portal with his sword, Alex felt wrenched by an incredible vortex. This one seemed to be sucking them in, rather than blasting them outward like before.

She looked up and noticed Cale's sword glowing with a mix of black and red flames that spread from the portal into Cale's weapon. She felt a sudden burning sensation, then a rush of tornado-like winds pummeling against them.

She vaguely heard Cale cry out and realized her voice was joined with his. Alex and Cale collapsed onto the ground, their bodies shaking from the intense experience. When she looked around, there were no monsters in sight.

"Next time, warn a girl before you absorb an evil portal of monsters with her," Alex said as they lay dazed on the ground.

          "Of course, but I'll try something different next time." Cale slowly sat up and rubbed his hands over his muzzle.

"Be still my beating heart," Alex exhaled jokingly as she lay back and gazed up at the sky.

          Cale smiled down at her as he felt her pulse. "It should be a lot less dramatic. At least, that's my theory. Can you stand? My brothers will need help." He supported her back and guided her up to her feet.



Ever wanted an old girlfriend or boyfriend back? It's heartbreaking

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