CH 17.2 Battle's Aftermath

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With sweat dripping down her temples, Alex delivered the final blow to the last black portal before turning her attention to the remaining black toad monsters. She expertly swung her sword and skewered them with precision. As she flew a recon circle over the camp, she couldn't help but feel exhausted from the intense battle.

Once back on solid ground, Alex headed straight for Gaza's main tent to give Gabe her report. Gabe and Argo were already deep in conversation, but they stopped when she landed. Argo, Gaza, and the generals listened intently as she gave her report to Gabe, her face betraying no emotions.

"May I be excused now?" Alex's wall of blankness was crumbling fast.

"Of course, you're needed more elsewhere." Gabe dismissed her quickly before the generals could think of something for her to do.

Alex still had a speed-burst left in her to reach the healing tent. Her hands glowed a soft golden light as she rubbed them over his wounds, murmuring words of comfort. The light flickered and died as she poured all her energy into him. Exhausted and relieved, she curled up next to him and drifted into a deep sleep.

For the first time in her life, Alex didn't have to be awoken early. With each renewal of her powers, Alex's eyes fluttered open, the weight of exhaustion heavy on her limbs. Still, she used her powers on Rile until they were drained.

Calm Alex reasserted herself at each bandage change. Calm Alex was fanatical about Rofe and Cale washing their hands before touching Rile and using freshly boiled linen for the wound cleanings and dressings. Her focus was unwavering until someone tried to engage her in conversation. Then, fear flickered in her eyes and she quickly excused herself, unable to think about anything other than Rile's well-being. Even during meals, she forced herself to eat just enough to sustain her strength for caring for Rile.

Two mornings later, Cale dared to touch Alex's shoulder and asked, "Alex, please, can you see Ture? He's still unconscious and I'm worried about dehydration."

Alex knew that dehydration would claim the old Guardian even if his wounds didn't. She followed Cale to Ture lying at the other end of infirmary tent. Cale patted the old Guardian's hand, then picked it up and pinched the hide on the back of it. The pale hide stayed upright in a ridge.

"Severe dehydration," Cale proclaimed.

"Are you sure reviving him is the right thing to do?" Alex asked as she put a glowing hand on Ture's chest at Cale's unspoken request.

Death is not necessarily the enemy.

"Yes." Then Cale added unhappily, "To me it is."

"Thank you for being honest. I'm not sure it is, but I don't trust my judgment at this point. I do trust you," Alex said.

"Don't trust me. Trust the Creator of All."

Alex nodded and ran her glowing hand over the old Guardian's chest, feeling the faint tremor of his heart beneath her fingertips. Ture stirred and opened his eyes, meeting Alex's worried gaze. He gently removed her hand from his chest.

"You don't need to heal me, young Guardian," he mumbled, his voice strained but kind. "I'll be fine with some rest, food, and water. Now go back to your teammate and give him the rest of that energy."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Alex's lips as she saluted him. "Yes sir."

Once back at Rile's side, she used the last of her precious IV fluids on Rile. No dehydration for him. She remembered when the brothers had worried about her dehydration from the flu. It seemed like another lifetime ago.

Gabe came up and stood over them long enough for Alex to notice. Alex looked up at him with her tear-stained face and his hide paled in sorrow. He knelt beside them.

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