CH 5.2 Can't Fight For You

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Gaza and Gabe returned to the strategy tent and their planning, followed by Alex, Cale, and Rile.. As before, they stood in a line to the left of the flap and soon Alex was heartily bored. When she shifted from foot to foot and suppressed a sigh, Rile looked at her with sympathy.

Then Rile stared at Gabe, who eventually glanced up at him. Rile made a small motion, and Gabe nodded to him and motioned to the tent exit. Alex readily agreed when Rile indicated they should slip out but Cale looked uncertain. Alex knew that he usually stuck with Gabe, but he must be bored, too. Out of pity, she caught his hand. Gabe nodded to Cale as well.

Apparently, this time they could leave without disgracing Gabe. Alex wasn't sure why, probably because Gabe had given non-verbal permission. She figured Gabe had the power to dismiss them whenever he wished.

"Let's go hunting. We need supplies," Rile said.


After bagging two deer, Cale and Rile dressed them quickly. They decided to trade what they had today rather than hunt for more. Alex leaned against a tree, feeling her anxiety rise as she watched them enter the camp. She was uncomfortable waiting alone, but she knew Rile and Cale had to do the trading and that she was a liability. She wished they were back when she had to hide. Instead, she waited at the edge of camp.

"Look at that freak," a poisonous voice hissed.

Alex knew it belonged to Tida and inwardly groaned.


She folded her arms across her chest and waited, standing ramrod straight like a soldier.

No running. No hiding. I'm not afraid. I've faced worse.

A female voice answered, "I suppose it's useful for hunting and guarding,"

"Useful?" Tida sneered and the two females walked into view. "Like a goat is useful."

Alex felt Tida's gaze burning like acid through her skin. But she stared straight ahead, arms folded on her chest, and ignored them.

She's not Cla. She's not Morgan. I can endure this.

Emboldened, Tida stepped up to her. Terrible flashbacks of Cla flooded Alex's mind, despite her brave thoughts. Her heart pounded against her chest, demanding to go somewhere safe. No matter how much she wanted to run or hide, Alex willed her feet to stay rooted in place.

"It's so hideous." Tida looked Alex up and down, circling around her. "Once Rile and I are united, I'll have him send it away."

There was no safety for Alex's heart. Images of Cla and the defeats at her hands flashed through her mind. Then the image of Gabe and Cla coiled together, while she helplessly watched their amorous entanglement, blinded her. Alex blinked hard, said nothing, and stared straight ahead.

"Did you hear me?"

Alex stared right through Tida, enraging her. Tida drew back and slapped Alex across the cheek, leaving a stinging imprint on her skin. She stepped back when Alex turned murderous eyes on her. Then Alex resumed her stance and blank stare.

Further emboldened, Tida followed up with another powerful slap. This one sent droplets of blood dripping from Alex's lip where Tida had snagged it with her claws. Alex remained stoic, refusing to meet Tida's eyes.

Think of the guards at Buckingham Palace. Never moving for anything. Never afraid of anything. Never annoyed by anything.

Tida's claws were poised to rend flesh when a hand closed around her wrist. Eyes wide with surprise, she looked up to see Rile's face twisted in anger and his muscles taut like steel cords.

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