CH 11.1 Not Your Victim Forever

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Alex stirred, the soft morning light spilling over the bedroll. Alex always slept in, but this time even Rile, Cale, and Gabe were still curled around her.

"I still feel like someone scraped my skin raw," Alex said, plotting another oiling session with the brothers. She would kick out two of them before any intimate moments occurred, but she welcomed the peace and healing touch to and from all three. Rile's hand emerged from the puppy pile, snagged the bottle of hide oil, and drew it in. Alex, Cale, and even Gabe held their hands up. Rile dispensed a generous amount, and all warmed the oil in their palms before rubbing on exposed arms, shoulders, legs, and faces.

"Beat it bro's," Rile said once they were done. "Leave our breakfast outside the tent." He removed his shirt, and Alex giggled.

Gabe sighed a heavy, put-upon sigh and rolled his eyes. Cale grinned at him and said, "We will. Besides, Gaza will want Gabe for post-battle analysis, and I'll make rounds with the healer."

"Now I feel guilty," Alex said. "I can come with you and numb some wounds."

Rile framed her face in his hands before giving her a tender kiss. "No need for guilt," he murmured. "You fought bravely today and have earned a nice breakfast of more than food. You can round with Cale after we're finished."

Alex giggled again, and Cale hustled Gabe out of the tent. Once they were gone, Alex trailed glowing fingers down Rile's chest, outlining his muscles with oil and excitatory power. He rolled on his side so he could cuddle her and extend one wing up. He grinned at Alex's usual mesmerized stare and lowered it over her. She spun tiny circles on the reddish-gold membrane with sparkling fingers. Once the entire wing danced with power, she ran long strokes down his spars. His entire wing twitched with the pleasure her touch brought him as she drifted down its length until he moaned.

"Tease," Rile murmured before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

Alex smiled against his mouth and spread her power through him for maximum pleasure. They snuggled close together and were just on the brink of sleep when someone outside scratched at the flap of the tent.

"Scorch it," Rile grumbled. "Go away!"

"Rile!" Alex scolded. "What is it?"

"Guardian Gabe asked for Guardian Rile to join him in Clan Head Gaza's dining tent," the voice from outside said.

Rile groaned and Alex rolled her eyes.

Alex rubbed his shoulder and said, "I agree, but you should pacify the grand old pooh-bah. I'll go to the healing tent and round with Cale." She climbed out of the bedroll and Rile reluctantly followed suit.

"Hello?" the voice plaintively asked.

Taking a deep breath, Rile replied, "I'm coming." He stretched his arms over his head and his reddish-gold wings unfolded. He grinned wickedly at Alex's longing look. "Aren't you sorry now that you're sending me away?"

Alex blushed at his grin. "You go on. I'll brush my hair and get straightened up. I know where the healing tent is. I'll just be a minute. Don't keep Gaza waiting; it might make Gabe look bad."

Rile shrugged, but kissed her and ducked out of the tent. Alex straightened her clothes and dragged a brush through her hair, feeling the lingering buzz of neuro-electric ecstasy between them as he left.

Alex's enhanced senses detected something sinister lurking. She spun around and saw a hand reaching out from the darkness. Instinctively, she reached for her Guardian sword and slashed downward, but the figure clamped both hands on the blade to stop it in midair. The sword released a blinding blue light as yellow flames burst forth from its hilt, filling the air with an acrid smell of sulfur that seared her eyes and nostrils. With a powerful jerk, Morgan yanked the sword away from her, so it vanished.

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