CH 10.1 and 10.2 May You Live in Interesting Times

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Gabe, Cale, and even Rile, dressed carefully for the Clan Head Assembly. Alex didn't ask where they had gotten such formal robes, gleaming white, stiff with newness and elaborate silver embroidery covering the chest. They had polished their daggers until they gleamed almost as much at their Guardian swords.

Cale held out a bundle to Alex. "A gift from the high priest."

She carefully unwrapped it and found a tunic embroidered with intricate green leaves and silver and gold vines. The delicate stitching seemed to shimmer as she lifted it over her head. As she pulled it down and as it unfolded, delicate wings were revealed on either side of her chest, one gold and one silver.

Rile's face lit up with admiration at the sight of her. "He's a shrewd one. Those wings remind everyone that you're a Guardian—and you look gorgeous. Even more gorgeous than usual. Why didn't you let me buy you that jeweled dagger, though? Yours is so plain."

Alex instinctively clutched the dagger. "I don't want you spending that much money on me." When she saw he was about to protest, she added, "And it shows that it's functional and I use it as a warrior."

Rile took her in his arms, gazed into her eyes, and said, "I know where most of my clan's stashes of gold and jewels are. What about blood-red rubies on the hilt of a dagger?"

Alex stood on tiptoe, brushing her lips against his before she replied, "I like opals. They're cracked and imperfect, just like me."

Cale clapped his hands. "Love-doves, let's go. Follow Gabe and give the Clan Assembly our best Guardian team work."

As they walked to the Assembly, Alex asked, "If your clan has those stashes, are, why were Gabe and Cale so impoverished when we found them? Do they not know where they are?"

Gabe stared straight ahead, his knuckles white from gripping the hilt of his sword too tightly. "They're in enemy territory now," he muttered darkly.

"And you didn't have a flying, super-powered female to help you access them," Rile said with a grin down at Alex. "Until now."

"Sounds like a mission," she replied happily.

"Later," Gabe said, then added, "Please."


Two large dining tents had been joined for the Clan Head Assembly, their sides pulled apart to accommodate a much longer table than either tent could ordinarily hold. The outside of each tent was painted with intricate symbols, bold colors declaring each clan's affiliation. Inside, two of the long, rectangular tables were set end to end and surrounded by wooden benches.

The Clan Heads sat along one side of the table, erect in their chairs even as age bent their backs. Alex noted that all of them sported muzzles with some silver; either from flecks to grizzled to full silver.

Gabe left them to sit at the far end of the table. Alex thought he looked painfully young compared to the other Clan Heads, and Cale stood protectively behind him. Alex took note that each Clan Head had a formally dressed Agama standing beside them; they appeared to be generals. Behind each general was a hulking guard Agama with an intimidating broadsword strapped to their back and a thick dagger sheathed at their waist.

Alex felt a stab of pity as she looked at Cale next to the towering guards. His slender frame and short stature seemed almost comical in comparison. Cale's weapons were elegant, whereas those of the Guard Agama were bulky and intimidating. Only Cale's staff was impressive, gleaming polished wood, while the guard Agama's looked like afterthoughts. Meanwhile, Sorey stood behind Clan Head Gaza – his eyes fixed forward as if he was determined to not let their presence bring him down.

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