Chapter Ten

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About fifteen minutes have passed since I served my first customer, and I can still feel his eyes on me; spite the two more men coming in joining their table. 

I don't understand why my body is reacting the way it is, the attention or his looks; or both but he's affecting me in a way that causes concern in my frontal lobe. I should be weirded out or even scared. But instead, I have to rub my thighs together every few minutes and the feel of my peaked nipples against my shirt is making me feel claustrophobic in these clothes.  

I sighed, telling myself the restaurant closes in a couple's hours and then I can go back to my hotel and relieve myself. To a random man. I don't even know his name. I mentally face palmed. Is this how it is being out in the wild? My first day living my life as I've always dreamt, and I am distracted by brown eyes and a chiseled jaw. 

My co-worker misses grumpy pants hands me the men's food and I thank her. Why? Positivity can't hurt.

I walked over to the table and now, not only are his eyes are on me, but the two men have joined in also. The other one busied himself by pouring a cup of whiskey. 

"Cod Arracanato for you and Tortlenni for you." I placed their plates in front of them and asked if anything else was needed. "I would rather have you on the table than the food." The older man grabbed my thigh, and I stepped back, shocked. 

Before I could say anything, the one whose eyes have been following spoke up, his voice sending a shiver down my whole body. 
"Don't you fucking touch her." 

The older man let me go and placed his hands on his lap, suddenly very cautious. "Yes, Mr. Ferrante. I am very sorry." 

"Apologize to her." My eyes darted back and forth between them. Whoever this Mr. Ferrante was, it seems as though he holds a lot of power within this circle. As uncomfortable this situation is, my pussy was aching to be touched with the savage look in his eyes, the growl in his voice. 

The power he held. 

"I apologize, that was very inappropriate behavior I just displayed." I glanced down at him; it was hard not to forgive when it looked like he was going to shit bricks or vomit on himself. I nodded, unsure of what to say. 

Finally, Mr. Ferrante looked up at him and his gaze softened. "That will be all, love. Thank you." 

I offered an upside-down smile and turned around. Who the fuck is this man? 


This man is dead. 

My divinity is walking around, taking care of the other customers, seemingly unphased by what just happened. For what reason, I don't know. Is she used to being disrespected? I know waitresses usually have to deal with shit customers. Meanwhile my entire being is shaking. I could've shot him right then and there. He knows. The fear in his eyes hasn't let up. His friend got quiet also. 

I stood up. "We've got everything we needed. We're leaving." I messed with the collar of my shirt; the temperature is rising. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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