Chapter Eight

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By the time I walked out of the shop, the sun was going down. 

I made a mental note of the cutest restaurants and the most extravagant; I think starting off slow will be best. I'll go to a cute and cozy restaurant and go from there. Besides, that's where the most love is. 

After bringing the bags to my room, I jumped in the shower and let the water bless my skin- maybe I'm being dramatic, but it might have been the best shower I've had in my life. 

I put the clothes on and looked in the mirror. I didn't only look like a new person, but I felt like a new person. That is enough to give some much-needed confidence for my next adventure. 

      Despite the sun being gone, the air was still crisp and warm. It felt welcoming. 

Minutes later, I arrived at the little food joint I chose. Some people sat outside, enjoying the night with a glass of wine and others dined inside, laughing with the dimly lit space sparkling their eyes. 

This is it. 

I walked in, giving myself no time to let anxiety take over.

"Ciao," (Hello). I looked at the woman behind the counter. She looked around my age, but the frown lines and furrowed eyebrows made her look a little bit older. It made me wonder what she has to deal with. 

"Mi sono appena trasferito qui; sto cercando un lavoro." (I just moved here; I'm looking for a job.) She looked me up and down in something that looked like disapproval then resumed what she was doing before I interrupted. 

I squared my shoulders, uncomfortable but I wasn't going to go down without a fight. "Non ho esperienza lavorativa, ma ti prometto che non rimarrai deluso." (I have no job experience, but I promise you won't be disappointed.)

Italians, well, anywhere you go, citizens like knowing you aren't an ignorant traveler, just looking to scratch a selfish itch and actually putting time in to understand and appreciate their culture, language, etc. Maybe if I prove I'm not like that, I was able to learn another language, I am willing to put the work in. It's got to tell them I'm determined, right? 

She looked up and me and once again, she sized me up but this time with a hint of consideration imbedded in her features, but it quickly switched to annoyance. "No, go away." 

Well, it's one thing to decline but that was just rude. 

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