Chapter twenty-six: Buford Basso

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Percy sat with crossed legs on his bed in the Avengers Compound. He was flipping through the photo album, looking over all of the pictures. His favorite was the one with his mom. Even though she looked tired, she was beaming with pride as she held Percy after having given birth to him.

He had found the blue car from the orphanage in the box and had placed it on a shelf on his wall for display. His blue bear he had gotten from some long-gone family members, sat on his bed and watched him.

He had a soft smile on as he looked at the photo album.

A small knock sounded on his door, and he looked up.

"Come in," he smiled. The door opened and Percy's smile only grew. He closed the photo album and jumped off the bed to run into Basso's open arms. The officer chuckled and wrapped his arms around the demigod.

"Hey kid," he greeted him. Percy buried his face in his neck and tightened his grip around the officer.

"Hey," he muttered against his skin.

"How have you been?" Basso asked and let go of Percy. Percy gazed at him.

"Pretty good actually. I'm happy Ms. Pastry had saved the box." He smiled widely.

Basso nodded. "Yes, she seems like a real sweetheart." He said and walked over to Percy's bed and sat down. He gazed down at the different stuff. Percy followed him and sat down next to him.

"So... Why are you here? Not that I don't mind," Percy smiled.

"Well..." The officer gazed out the window before he looked into Percy's blue eyes. "I wanted to tell you this face to face, because it seemed like the best option." Officer Basso smiled calmly.

"Okay?" The demigod frowned.

He ran a hand through his short hair before he continued, "You know... when Gabe visited you." He looked at Percy. "He was cleared of all charges. Which you might not understand why happened." Percy nodded with a frown.

"Gabe had not gotten life in prison... he went to jail apparently." Basso sighed, "I thought he went to prison and wouldn't come back. I even doublechecked it back then, and it said prison. I don't know what happened to be honest. But he went to jail for nine years. Recently, Gabe apparently got proven innocent in the case, which I do not understand. I have questioned multiple cops and even the judge, but they couldn't give me a clear answer. It's not my case anymore..." He sighed. "But he was cleared of all. All the abuse, drugs... everything. And he got out." Basso gazed at Percy.

"And for some reason, the man chose to seek you. He chose to go find you. Why? I don't know. He might have a soft spot for you but..."

"He liked my mom," Percy spoke up. "He told me so when he showed me a picture of her after I followed him. He told me how he loved her, and she got a restraining order against him. So, when she died, he couldn't take me in, but when enough time had passed, he got the chance to adopt me, so he did... I don't know... he might have seen my mom in me?" Percy shrugged, "But I don't actually know."

Buford Basso nodded, "Yeah, he might have seen something, and thought back to when she was alive." He muttered then turned and looked back at Percy with a serious look in his eyes. "I am so sorry that I couldn't protect you. I promised you, that I would keep you safe from Gabe, but I didn't. And I am so sorry about that, kid."

Percy looked at him with a small smile, "I forgive you," he shrugged. "You thought he was in prison."

Basso nodded, "Yes. But I can promise you one thing, kid. And that is that Gabriel Ugliano, will never, never come back again. He is locked up in prison for good. I have triple checked everything; I've made sure that he has no chance of getting out again. You will never be bothered by that monster again. And even if he somehow contacts you - which would be unlikely - I will be there to protect you, because you do not deserve that stress." Basso smiled softly.

Percy smiled at him. He really loved the adult.

Even though the man had a funny name. Burford Basso. Sometimes Percy thought that Leo had named the man, or the demigod had gotten inspiration from Buford Basso to Burford the Table.

"Thank you," Percy smiled and hugged him. Buford was quick to return the hug.

"You're welcome kid."

"Annabeth and my friends are coming over later, even Ms. Pastry, Tony is picking her up in an hour," Percy told him. "I would love it if you would stay for blue cookies and pancakes." He looked at the officer with a smile.

He chuckled, "I would sure love that."

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