Chapter six: A vacation

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Percy fiddled with the wallet as he walked into the dollar store, the bell above the door rang. His heart was beating faster than usual. He was nervous and it could probably be seen. But then again, it was not every day that Gabe sent him out to buy him beers and other stuff. His eyes scanned the stores and he walked to the section with drinks and beers and sodas.

He looked up the shelves, in search for the specific beer Gabe usually drank. He wasn't sure what it was called, but he knew that sometimes Gabe drank some that had a polar bear on it. So that was what he was searching for. The bell to the store sounded and Percy grabbed a pack of beer and studied it, unsure if it was the right ones. He frowned and struggled to read the text on the pack. He shrugged and walked down the aisle to see if there was anything else he needed to get.

He heard someone say something, probably a customer to the cashier. He ignored their voices until one of them shouted. He flinched and stopped in his tracks and held the pack of beers close to his chest in comfort. With his eyes wide, he listened in on the conversation.

"I'm telling you! This is a robbery!" A man yelled. "Give me your money!"

The young child took a deep breath and peeked out from the aisle to look at what was happening. A man with a gun pointed at the cashier, was yelling at the person who was fumbling with opening the checkout desk to the money.

"Hurry up!" The robber yelled.

"I-I am! I-I just... I can't remember the code!" The cashier said frantically, clearly under stress.

Percy widened his eyes; he was a part of a robbery! He dropped the pack of beers he had been holding. The man with the gun turned at the loud sound and stared at Percy. The kid swallowed and took a step back, disappearing from the robber's view. He held his breath, too scared to breath as if the robber would hear him. He heard him. He heard the footsteps as the creepy man came closer. He heard him huff. He heard him load the gun. Percy's chest was rising and falling rapidly as he tried to calm himself down. He looked up in fear when the man came around the corner. He stared down at Percy.

Percy slowly raised his arms in surrender but was pulled harshly forward when the man grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the cashier. He felt the cold gun against his temple and swallowed. He was too scared to move.

"Give me the money, now. Or the kid dies." The robber spoke coldly. The cashier glanced up at the robber then at Percy with scared eyes. He nodded and kept tapping in different codes. "Hurryyy..." The male said impatient and pressed the gun more against Percy's head. He closed his eyes in fear and held his breath, too scared to move if the gun was to pull off.

Percy opened his eyes and looked helplessly at the cashier, he prayed he'd get the thing open. He didn't want to die. Then he would disappoint Gabe. He wouldn't bring him his beer and then he'd get mad at Percy.

The cashier smiled triumphantly as the money box opened with a 'click'. 

"Here, sir!" He said and handed the robber the money. "Just please don't hurt the kid. He hasn't done anything." The cashier glanced worried at Percy.

"Finally!" He said and let go of Percy and scooped the money into his bag. He pushed Percy back and looked over his shoulder, "If you tell anyone about this, both of you, I will find you and kill you." He threatened and left the store. Percy looked after him then looked at the cashier.

"Are you okay, kid?" The man asked. Percy nodded and turned and walked over and picked up the beers again. He walked back and put them on the counter. "I'm sorry... but you're not 21..." The cashier apologized. Tears started to form in Percy's eyes as he looked at the worker. He couldn't disappoint Gabe, not after this. The worker widened his eyes and frantically beeped the thing in. "Uh, don't tell anyone about this." He told Percy who nodded and handed him the money. He grabbed the pack of beers and left the store in a hurry.

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