Chapter eight: Sally Jackson

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"How are you feeling?" Bruce asked and handed Percy a new mug of hot chocolate. Percy took it and sipped from it, the hot liquid warming his throat.

He shrugged. "I'm fine," he mumbled and took another sip.

"Okay. Are you hungry?" Bruce asked and Percy nodded. "Then let's go. After we can call your dad and tell him where you are." He said and stood. Percy followed and ignored the last thing Bruce said. He followed Bruce into the elevator and when they walked out, they came into a living room with a kitchen to the left.

"What do you want to eat?" The doctor asked.

Percy shrugged; he hadn't thought of that. He looked at Steve who was taking things out of the fridge. "What is he making?" Percy asked quietly.

"Eh... Steve? What are you making?" Bruce tilted his head.

"Lasagna," He smiled over his shoulder. "Why? Does Percy want some?"

Bruce looked down at Percy who quickly nodded. He chuckled, "Yeah, he does."

"Well it'll be ready in 45 minutes then." He smiled.

Percy had never tasted lasagna before. Gabe had never made it and the orphanage food wasn't great. The other foster homes he had been in, they hadn't bothered to make him good food, usually he got pasta or bread.

Percy followed Bruce into the living room where Tony, Clint and Natasha were sitting. Clint was playing some game on the tv, and Natasha was reading something on a tablet. Tony was working on something on his tablet while drinking some liquid from a glass. Percy followed Bruce over to the couch and sat down next to him in the middle of Bruce and Clint. He watched the tv curiously as Clint killed three soldiers.

"Want to try?" Clint asked as he paused the game. Percy glanced at the screen then at the archer.

"I don't know how..."

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." He smiled.

"Okay," he took the controller that Clint handed to him and looked at the screen.

"So X is jump, square is punch, triangle is aim and shoot and then O is back." Clint began to explain, and Percy tried his best to listen, but soon got lost in all the information, so he ended up just watching Clint play.

Steve walked in and placed the lasagna on the dinner table and Percy shot up from the couch and ran over and dumped down on a chair. Bruce chuckled at the kid's antics and walked over himself. The rest of the Avengers were soon seated, and when Tony reached to get some lasagna, Steve slapped him over the hand and gave him a stern look.

Percy widened his eyes slightly by the slap.

"Let the kid take some first." Steve told the billionaire who rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat with crossed arms. Steve grabbed the spoon and began cutting the lasagna. "How much do you want Percy?" Steve looked at him.

"Just a bit." He said and held out his plate. Steve placed a small portion on his plate and Percy thanked him then put the plate back onto the table. He waited till everyone had gotten their portion and had begun to eat. He picked up the fork and took a small bite, nervous as to if he'd even like it. As he slowly chewed on the pasta, he listened to the Avengers talking and bickering. Soon he was eating the lasagna quickly as he found out he liked it. Bruce laughed when Percy asked for more and gave him a good portion.

"I suppose the kid like lasagna," Tony shrugged and eyed Percy's third portion of the food.

"Yeah," Steve smiled.

Percy was quick to finish his third portion and pushed the plate away.

"Are you full?" Clint asked with a smile. The kid nodded and smiled.

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