Chapter seventeen: Not the time for jokes

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"Jarvis, run a scan again." Tony closed his mask. A few seconds went by, then Tony's AI responded.

"Everything is stable." Said Jarvis.

"Good, as long as the building doesn't collapse on us, then it's fine." Said Tony and walked over to the other Avengers. The Iron Man suit opened, and Tony stepped out of it. "I've stabilized the loft, so it won't collapse onto us at any given moment." He announced.

Steve nodded, "Good, we've almost cleared the floor for debris."

Tony nodded then looked to the other Avengers, "Is there anything else we're missing? I've gone over the cables, loft, and windows."

"I think all we need is to just clean up now," Bruce spoke. He had dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Tony gave Bruce a soft smile and patted his back.

"We'll get him back," he reassured the sleep deprived scientist. Bruce didn't answer, only continued cleaning the floor.

"We should get down and get something to eat. I made some pancakes yesterday." Steve spoke up. They all agreed and stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button. Silence fell over the small group as they waited for the doors to open to the common room.

When the doors opened, they stepped out. Tony eyed the plate on the coffee table by the couch but shrugged it off as Clint or someone else that had forgotten to put it in the dishwasher. Steve walked into the kitchen and the other Avengers slowly trailed behind. The old soldier opened the fridge and began searching for the pancakes he had made the other day. Tony sat down on a barstool next to Bruce, who was about to fall asleep while sitting up. Natasha casually leaned against the wall and had a small conversation with Clint who had climbed the fridge. Thor was nowhere to be seen as he was on Asgard, going over Loki's trial.

"Yo, when are the pancakes coming?" Tony asked.

Steve grumbled, "I don't know. I can't find them." He looked up and closed the fridge. "They're gone. Who ate them?" he looked accusingly at each Avenger. His eyes lingered at Tony a bit longer.

"What? I didn't eat them!" he exclaimed. Steve looked to Clint who shook his head.

"I didn't even know about the pancakes." He admitted.

"There is a plate in the living room," Tony spoke up. "Who ate in there last?"

The Avengers shot each other suspicious glares. None of them admitting it was them.

"Just ask Jarvis, he'll know." Natasha sighed.

"Jarvis?" Tony asked.

"Yes, sir?" the AI spoke.

"Who ate the pancakes Steve made yesterday?"

"Percy Jackson did, sir." Jarvis responded.

Tony frowned and shot an angry glare at the ceiling, "Now is not the time for jokes." He huffed angrily.

"I am not joking, sir. Percy Jackson arrived yesterday in the lobby. Mr. Johnson sent him up here around 7pm. He is currently sleeping in his room." Jarvis' voice spoke from the ceiling.

Bruce glanced up. "Is... He's here?" He whispered and stood up abruptly. He quickly walked out of the kitchen and made his way down the hallway. Soon he was running down the hallway, with the rest of the Avengers quick behind. They all stopped suddenly in front of the closed door. Bruce inhaled sharply; his eyes rested on the doorknob. Should he open the door? What if Percy wasn't in there?

He slowly raised his hand and rested it on the doorknob. He held his breath with his friends as he slowly pressed down and opened the door silently. He let go and the door revealed a room none of them had been in for a long, long time. Their eyes all fell onto the bed which was messed up. Bruce slowly approached the bed in the dark room and pulled the covers to the side, to find an empty bed.

What we don't see (Percy Jackson & Avengers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt