Chapter nineteen: Disappearing

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He picked up the receiver and punched in a New York number. The Avengers Tower. He didn't know whether they would pick up the phone, but it was worth a try.

It went straight to voicemail. He should have figured, it would be like, midnight in New York.

Tony's recorded voice spoke over the phone. It hit him hard in the gut, he could barely speak at the tone.

"Hey," he said. "I'm alive. My aunt put me to sleep for a while, and then she took my memory, and..." His voice faltered. How could he possibly explain this without sounding crazy? "Anyway, I'm okay. I'm sorry. I'm on a quest-" he winced. He shouldn't have said that. Now they'd be even more worried. "I'll make it home. I promise. Love you." He put down the receiver. He stared at the phone, hoping - wishing - it would ring back. The train whistle sounded. The conductor shouted, "All aboard."

Percy ran.


Bruce frowned and looked at the screen. "But why wouldn't she answer then?" he asked.

"I don't know," Tony shrugged, "but now we know where they are..."

"I will fly over and retrieve them." Thor rose from the soft couch and swung his hammer.

Tony glanced at him then pulled the footage up to the tv.

"Hey!" Clint exclaimed and threw the controller onto the table. "I was playing."

Tony scoffed, "While we are working on getting our son back home." He looked at the tv, "There's footage all around the globe with Percy. First, he was seen in Alaska." He pulled up a blurred photo of the demigod. "He's seen with two other teenagers we haven't seen before." He showed another photo of all three of them, it was still slightly blurred.

"After a bunch of research I found who the guy next to Percy is. His name is Frank Zhang and he's from Canada." Tony looked at the Avengers.

"You think they kidnapped Percy?" Natasha asked.

Tony shook his head, "No, they seem rather friendly. But I tried contacting Frank's grandma who he's been living with, but it went straight to voicemail."

"Who's the girl?" Bruce asked and sat down on the couch next to Thor and Clint.

"I don't know. That's the weird thing. I can't seem to find her anywhere. Not in any databases - even SHIELD - and according to facial recognition this is the first time she has shown herself anywhere." He narrowed his eyes at the girl on the picture. "She's mysterious..." he muttered.

"It was also in Alaska that Percy called us from," He spoke up. "It came from Anchorage in Alaska." He pointed to a map with a small laser.

"Damn," Steve muttered. Tony stared at Steve like the super soldier had grown a second head.

"Anyway..." he cleared his throat, "He's been spotted in Rome, Italy, Venice and other places over in Europe." He looked at his family.

"So, he's on a vacation?" Bruce frowned.

"No, I don't think so." Natasha shook her head. "Besides, Annabeth was quite freaked out about him going missing."

"Oh yeah, what about Annabeth, have you told her where he is?" Steve looked at Tony.

"About that..." Tony pulled up another photo. "I think she already knows..." He looked at the photo where Percy stood next to Annabeth and talked to some Latino dude.

"So, she knows?" Natasha frowned, "Why didn't she call us?"

"I don't know. But I tried calling Annabeth and she didn't pick up. When I tried to pinpoint them to one position, I discovered her, and Percy had blown up a parking lot and then disappeared. I can't seem to find them anywhere, but I can find new footage of the other teenagers that were with them." He glanced nervously around at the other Avengers.

"What do you mean 'disappeared'...?" Bruce asked slowly.

"I can't find Percy nor Annabeth anywhere. It's as if they disappeared from the Earth's surface." Tony ran a hand through his short hair.

Bruce hid his face in his hands and took a deep breath, "I promised him I would protect him." He said.

Tony looked down at the floor, guilt wrapping its way around his heart.

"It's not your fault, Bruce." He said and patted the doctors shoulder.

"But it is!" he said exaggerated. "I was supposed to keep him safe! And look where he is now! He might be dead for all we know!" he sobbed.

Natasha stood up and walked over to him and hugged him. Tony looked at them with sagged shoulders.

"I'm sure he will show up soon enough... and come back home," Clint spoke up. They all nodded slowly, not everyone quite believing it.

Tony turned around and found his phone, he walked into the kitchen and called Happy. He opened a cupboard and searched it for coffee beans.

"Yes?" Happy's voice sounded on the other end.

"I need all of my gear to be transported from the storeroom to the tower, asap." Tony said.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that." Happy apologized.

"Why not?" Tony frowned and opened the fridge.

"There's a huge storm by Long Island. It won't be safe to fly over there to get to the storehouse."

"Why can't you just fly around it?" Tony frowned.

"It's huge..." Happy muttered.

"Okay, okay." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just... move my stuff when the storm is over, then."

"Will do." Happy said and hung up.

Tony sighed and stared into the fridge before closing it, there was no good food.

What we don't see (Percy Jackson & Avengers)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora