~ Chapter 19 ~

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~ Danny's pov ~

It was cool outside. I had been walking around late cause I didn't want to do anything. I was so fudging mad right now I didn't even know where to begin. I was being sent on a quest that would most likely get me killed. I was still pretty new, yet Chiron was very firm and told me I'd be the leader.
I walked down to the river and sat there for awhile, thinking about what was coming. I heard footsteps behind me and then it stopped. I felt like someone's eyes were on me. I knew who it was when I saw his shadow on the ground next to me.
"Nico?" I said. "Hey, why are you down here late? he asked. "I dont even know, just a lot on my mind...." I sniffled. I hated Chiron right now and I hated my life. I wanted to stay with Nico and I wanted to stay at camp.
"Look I'm sorry." Nico began. "This is my fault and if it weren't for me, we wouldn't be in this mess. I caused the problem, and I need to fix it." I sighed knowing that Chiron would probably want to start another war than have nico go with me. "Chiron would never let you come, I know that for a pure fact. But don't feel guilty, that's the last thing I need. I can't leave someone behind who feels they did something wrong and can never fix it...." I started feeling the tears come. I knew i wasn't getting out alive. I didn't even know what we were doing yet exactly. Chiron wouldn't tell us til 3 AM when we left. He didn't want anybody coming after us or knowing anything. And yet the worst to come, I knew Nico would ask. I was so heartbroken, the choices I had to make tonight were crazy.
"Please don't say that!" He shouted. He pulled me up (I realized he had sat down by me) and he hugged me. He hugged me so tight and I hugged back just as tight.
"Why are we hated?" I whispered in his ear. "Cause we're outcasts. People with power don't like us." He said a bit quieter. I knew it inside my head too. Just being in the Hades cabin, we scared a lot of people. Nico especially had an affect on the people around him. "Since you came along, I've been doing so much better, and now they're ripping us apart."
As if on cue he broke away from the hug, grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the hades cabin. We went inside and shut the door. He went to the bathroom and came out seconds later. "Well what do we do now? I will not be able to sleep." I said. It was true I was wide awake, my body pumped with adrenaline. He came to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "I'm not sure but let's have a good night tonight." He went in for the kiss and fireworks literally. It felt so good, and I realized this would be it. The last night of being with Nico. I decided to make the best with what I had. "Hey..." He trailed off. "What?" I whispered." He gave me a pleading questioning look. I felt like dying right there. I knew what he was asking and now I knew what he went to get but hid. "I dont know Nico, I'm scared. It can't happen again." He gave me a confused look.
I whispered 5 words to him
5 words that made me break down
5 words that would be remembered forever
5 words he would never forget
5 words that kept me from being free from my past
5 words that ended the night with the boy I loved
5 words I would regret saying forever

Nico Di Angelo and Danny, a love > hate relationship.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt