~ Chapter 11 ~

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I had ran back into my cabin and screamed as loud as I could into my pillow. I was so upset and mad. Hades was the absolute worst possible choice. Why did it have to be him? Yeah I could see myself as a hades child but I would literally rather die.
I was so incredibly upset I didn't come out of the Hermes cabin for days. I didn't want to go to that death hole ever again.

Everybody was trying to comfort me. They were doing very badly at it. Annabeth tried to cheer me up by telling me that nobody would mess with me again and I was the new bad girl of camp. That made me feel a little better, I admit. But still, I hated that my freaking brother was the freaking ghost king. What kind of a title is that even? I finally got out of the Hermes cabin. I hadn't eaten in days. I felt tired and high. I hadn't even done anything to make me like this, but I hadn't slept either....
I proceeded to dinner, which I woke up at 6:30. I had changed into dark clothes and did black makeup. I left and was greeted by the Stolls.
"Hey....dude you're out! How are things?" "Eeh well im not happy at all about being the daughter of Hades for 1. Then I also hate Nico." I said. It was all true. I was way sick of it all.
"Well do you wanna move in tonight or tomorrow?" Travis asked. I thought about this and my face turned beet red. "I seriously have to live in the same room!? I don't even wanna be 100 miles near him!!" I stomped off to dinner.
I actually felt way hungry. I hadn't eaten in a week besides the food the Stolls brought for me. They were so sweet. I never actually ate it though. Only picked at it a little.
When I got to the tables, I realised I would have to sit at the Hades table. I was tired of this camp and how it worked. I went over but nobody was there. I gathered some food and sat down at the end farthest away from everyone.

Percy came over 5 minutes later and congratulated me on being chosen. He also apologised about it all. He was so sweet too. He promised to help me move in and whatever help I needed whenever and wherever. I was comforted and thanked him. "Y'know isn't Nico supposed to be here, with me?" "Ummm..." Percy faltered. He seemed to search for the right words. "He doesn't ever really come, just watches or goes to the woods."
This saddened me. Wait wtf why would it make me sad. I should be jumping for joy. "Oh." I said. It's the only thing I could say. "Yeah, but maybe you could get him to come. Seems to not hate you like everyone else. Might even become friends i dont know.." I thought about this. Friends with death breath. That sounded just great.

Nico Di Angelo and Danny, a love > hate relationship.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora