~ Chapter 12 ~

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I decided to move in on my own. I didn't need help. The last thing I wanted to do was make people think I was too weak to lift a couple things. I really only had my blanket, pillow, sting bag, and my knife. My faithful knife. I hadn't actually been able to get my own weapon but I wanted to keep the knife I had.
"Hey Stoll?" I asked. He looked over. "Can you show me where the uh weaponry is so I can choose my weapon?" "Oh yeah! Follow me!" He was way excited. This made me nervous but I followed him. We arrived and he said "Ok here it is. All ya gotta do is let the right thing choose yah." This confuses me a lot. "What...do they like float?" "No no silly!" He smiled. "Just like hold it or pick it up. You'll know it when you find it. Get a knife, sword on this wall." He pointed to all the many swords. I saw a large dagger, big enough to look like a sword even. It was also black as night. I loved it. I went towards it and picked it off the wall. If felt good in my hand, right, as if it were meant to be mine. "I like this one." I said. "Ooooh good choice!" He exclaimed. "Now something over here?" Ok I thought. I saw a silver now with black etched on it as a decoration. I got way excited again. I went to it and picked it up. I just knew it was right once again. I asked "Where are all the arrows?" "Hahahaa I dont know how you knew, but that can only used by children of Hades. The arrows appear when you wish. They only work in the hand of the owner. It has claimed you now." He pointed and it was shining silvery. It had chosen me as its owner. "Why not try it out? See if ya like it." "Ok." He pointed to the target at the end of the walls. There was a dummy near too. I willed an arrow to appear. It was green on the end. "Oh yeah! I forgot completely, forgive me. The green are regular, the red are fire arrows, the blue are icy, the gold ones explode after they've met a target and then the black and silver ones do underworldy Magic. Can I just say, don't use the black and silver ones around humans or the camp. And don't use them until you know how. Nico could show you, he knows." I tensed at his name....I hated my new roommate. I aimed my green arrow. Inhaled. Exhaled. Marked it right where it should hit and fired. I let out a quick breath when it hit the bullseye of the center target. "DUDE!!" Travis exclaimed. "You got madder skill that the Apollo and Artemis kids!" I guess that was a really nice compliment, i didn't know the Artemis or Apollo kids. "Thanks!" I said. I had never really shot before, but I felt like I was gonna be good.

We left and went outside. It was almost sundown, which means we had to be getting to bed. "So you're moving in tomorrow I see?" Travis asked me.
"No I actually have my stuff packed I just have to move it and find a place to sleep in the Hades cabin." "Oh ok cool. Need any help at all....or armor?"
I thought about this. "No. I honestly don't think he'll kill me right away....but I'll take the Walkie talkie!"
"Yeah that's a good idea! Kay lemme know if ya need me." He left.

I sighed and went to get my stuff. I picked up my string bag, and decided I'd better go over and ask a few things 1st. I knocked on his door quietly. "Hey, anybody there?" I was scared. What if he killed me or hurt me? A billion things were running through my head.

Nico Di Angelo and Danny, a love > hate relationship.Where stories live. Discover now