~ Chapter 13 ~

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•Nicos POV• (point of view)

I heard a small knock on the door and somebody ask if anybody was there. I grumbled "Open up." If it was that new girl that was my sister I was gonna be mad. But it's not like I'd let her just sleep outside. She opened the door carefully, she was really scared. "I'm not gonna hurt you, geez." I said. I knew she was scared so gave her some comfort....wait what. I was the ghost king! Everybody should be scared of me. "That remains to be undetermined. I dont know if I can trust you and not kill me in my sleep." I said "The feelings mutual." I went back to doing what I was doing. She came in and closed the door halfway. She stared at me for a second, then stomped her foot on the ground. "You gonna tell me where to put my stuff and where I sleep or do I just takeover control?"
"Save your mouth princess! Over there." I pointed. There was 1 bed above mind, bunk beds. They didn't put many in here because it was rare for Hades to have children who made it to Camp. She went over there and examined the black sheets, pillow, quilt and blanket. "You like?" I asked. I wasn't gonna change anything but she might as well be ok with it. "Yeah it's cool." She said. Darn she could be so good sometimes. "Well over there is the drachma water thing and over there is the bathroom." I pointed. "I don't care what you do just don't ruin my life anymore and I won't hurt you a lot."
"A lot? Are you always so disgusting and unacceptable? Because you should be nicer and i will be nicer ok deal? Deal. Good." She left the cabin and I smiled inside. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Nah what was I saying!

She moved in her stuff which wasn't much. When she got everything situated she left again. I was confused cause she had gotten everything. She came back and my mouth fell open. She had a large dagger strapped to her belt and a bow strung on to her back. I was amazed, she looked gorgeous...
"FREAKING NICO!" I yelled in my mind. "Shut up!" I thought.
"Y'know.." She began. "Your riper than a perfect tomato. Any more and you'll turn into an apple or beet." She laughed. I felt myself getting heated and my whole face going tomato red. This was gonna be just plain great I thought. She startled me asking "Uh Stoll told me to ask you how the uh black and silver arrows work and about a few other things." She explained to me and my head hurt. "Go ask Chiron or something. Im not the freaking teacher." She scowled. "Newsflash Angelo! Chiron wouldn't know because he's not as freaky as you and would send me back to you. Get with it goth boy!" This stung. I cursed in Italian and grabbed the bow. A black and silver arrow appeared. "Oh these? Shoot them and whoever you want appears. They have to be a dead zombie, or someone else, underworld people only though. No mortals, gods or demigods. It can also summon friendly monsters and make shadow traveling easier on experienced people." She looked at it in awe, her face lit up. "Ok thank you! Also, if you don't mind me asking, uh where is the toilet?" I gulped. Realizing I didn't have a normal toilet for everyone else. "Uh just go somewhere else yeah?" She crossed her arms. "I ain't going no where. You need to put one in or explain how you go!" I gulped and my face turned red. "I'll be right back." I left quickly going to the bathroom. I constructed one of magic, so it drained out the side of the cabin. It would have to do. I ran back and told her there was a toilet. She excused herself. She came back "im going to bed Kay goodnight luv ya see ya tomorrow." She grumbled the "luv ya" part. Not sure what that was supposed to mean but it made me happy for some reason.

I turned over in bed. I heard her above me, tossing and turning. I wished I could comfort her, but it would be awkward on the ladder thing. I made myself a mental note to get another bed in here so we didn't have bunks. I yawned and turned to my alarm. 2:00! It was way late but I still couldn't sleep. I all of a sudden heard a piercing scream as she rolled off her bed and fell 10 feet to the floor. I jumped up and got down on my knees, seeing if she was ok. She looked at me with wide eyes and widened them even more at me. I looked down and realized I had on boxers and nothing else. I gulped and helped her up. Told her to tie herself to the side of the bed so she wouldn't fall. She smiled and laughed...she laughed? Why...... She climbed back in bed and said Goodnight. I said goodnight back and crawled back in bed. She could be so dang cute sometimes, ugh why is life hard?

Nico Di Angelo and Danny, a love > hate relationship.Where stories live. Discover now