~ Chapter 4 ~

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•This is now the girl who ran away's point of view. Sorry, she doesn't have a name yet, I can't think of a name and it seems to flow good anyway so yeah❤️💀

I heard a rustling in the leaves, then someone cursing in Italian, then rushing away. I turned around but I couldn't see anyone. I decided to get up and walk a little because I had been sitting there since dinner started. I got up and then I saw a figure, the one I figured I had heard a second ago. I decided to go try to make a friend maybe...
I started approaching quietly and swiftly. When I got close I whispered knock knock really silently, almost not even talking....no response. I tried again, a little louder. After 5 minutes of just standing in very awkward silence, he said "what do You want?" I could tell he seemed to try to stress on the "you" like I was being an annoying bothersome person. I snapped "You can at least do the favor of saying Hello and being nicer because right now You Are A Jerk!" This seemed to take him back by surprise because I heard a small gasp. He whipped around sharply and glared in my direction. "Woah man don't get all mad, I already got bullied today by some idiot." He softened his face a bit. "What happened?" he declared. I could feel my cheeks go pink, but I forced myself to go sit down across from him.

"Well earlier I got scared because I saw a dead dude and screamed my self to pieces. Then I was embarrassed and scared so I sprinted away. I'm the laughing stock of the camp and I can't show my face again to them."
He replied with an "oh"
"That's all you have to say!" I demanded
He shrugged "People don't talk to me much." I thought for a second and replied "well I wanna change that. I know what it's like to be hurt and ignored and lonely and depressed."
"No!" He yelled. He stood up fast and stormed off yelling "never talk to me again!!!"

Even if I didn't know him, I felt so hurt by him. He was so rude and just ugh. I could feel the tears coming to my eyes, again for the 4th time today. I just sat and cried quietly. Would I ever stopped being rejected. I thought that was in my past and maybe I could change things at this camp but no. Another reason why I hate this camp. And now I hated this person too. Why did everything depressing happen to me. I felt as if I were in a 4o foot pool and I couldn't swim

Nico Di Angelo and Danny, a love > hate relationship.Where stories live. Discover now