~ Chapter 18 ~

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Nico's pov

Not quite sure what happened that night. I remember we fought but we kissed. Did this mean we liked each other. But we were brother and sister...ewwwww. But technically weren't raised together so..... She's too young. But does age matter? Aah overthinking is hard.

She had fallen asleep in my lap. I had fallen asleep too but hadn't bothered moving. Why move when you have all you want with you?

She woke up and got up to get ready for the day. I looked at myself in the mirror while she was gone. I think a bus also ran over me last night. I changed quick and tried to look as nice as possible which didn't happen. She came out and was beautiful. Then there was me who looked like a homeless hobo going a strong 200 days without a shower. Yet she still blew me a kiss and said "see ya at lunch Neeks." I guess I'd be eating at lunch today. Darn it this was hard. Did she like me back? What did this all mean? I was so confused but I put it aside. I decided to play video games for an hour and then properly get ready to leave my cabin.

2 hours later.

I had finished getting ready and was playing video games. Time came for lunch. I strolled out of my cabin with my sword in hand ready for a fight, a black muscle shirt, black sneakers and black skinny jeans. Yep black is my favorite color. I walked up to the dining area coolly. I grabbed a little food then sat unhappily on the hades table. I sat down and saw eyes on me already.

Some girls from like 8 different tables were looking my way. They thought I was hot. I remembered that my muscles were showing. I guess I was pretty buff or something. I shot them all a glare and picked up my food. I let gravity take its toll and dropped it right back on the plate. Where was she?

When I had to go give father food, I got up, went to the fire and dropped my plate in it. "Please bless this hot mess." I said quietly. I then walked back to my table and sat facing away from everyone. About 10 minutes later I heard someone coming. I whipped around sword in hand, but I saw it was her. Beautiful beautiful girl. I liked her.
My mind was saying shut up but my heart was saying no. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up and away. She led me to the big house. When I had looked behind, people were gasping and whispering. I screamed in Italian at them as she led me away. We stopped in the middle of the woods. She then sat down and started breaking down. I was all of a sudden scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I sat down next to her and held her. She sniffled. "Chir Chiron is sending me away. On a quest." She broke down so hard, I never wanted to see her like that again.
"What why? Your 'inexperienced'."
"Well he saw some marks on my neck, and got way mad at me because he thought me and you....." She trailed off.
That freaking centaur. Definitely gonna kick his butt next chance I got.
"What but how why?!?" He had no right to think that whatsoever. "Well he thinks it'd be best if we parted for awhile and maybe loose the uh.....yeah. He also wants you dead cause im a minor, but he won't believe we didn't so....." She was so implicit sometimes. It took 10 minutes for me to figure everything out. I finally did and then got way mad. "It's a quest though, it should be brief and easy. Im trained and nobody knows except you. But he's sending me with a couple people who are waiting for banishment and I feel like he wants me to purposely never come back." She broke down. After 10 minutes of whispering and hugging she got herself under control. "You know this is the quest for you. You can come back with them both alive and amaze us all." She sniffed. "It's gonna be hard though, lots of monsters. And what if.."
"No no! You will not think about what if. I silenced her. "When do you leave?" I asked. "Tomorrow night." I broke into a single tear.
"Chiron only gave me 1 night to be with the girl I love? Ima make it worth while then." I smiled, she smiled back but it was fake. "What's wrong?" I asked. I didn't understand why this topic was sensitive to her. But then I did. "Don't let them ruin your life. That wasn't real. Let it be real. Don't let it ruin the life of it forever..but I won't press it, I promise." She looked at the ground. "I just don't know, memories." She shook her head and glared at the ground. "Why does he gotta be such a slut?" This was a slap in the face because I still knew it was dad and it made me mad. I didn't want her to have to go down there with him. But I didn't see him like that. But she did and I did too a little. Didn't seem like much of a hades thing though....
"I will decide tonight ok?" She said. This made me think though. "You gotta tell me now because I need to get something." She looked at me puzzled then her face turned to absolute pure horror. It was like I had turned into Kronos and Gaea at the same time. She slapped me in the face so hard, then kicked me in the nuts and to top it all off punched me in the nose. It started to bleed. "ANGELO." She yelled. I laughed. I laughed way hard. "WE WILL NOT BE NEEDING ANYTHING TODAY OR TOMORROW OR EVER."
Ouch. That hurt a lot. Wait what am I saying...? "Ooooh I get it." I said. I laughed and made the impression that we didn't need anything but still would.
She turned reddish purple and pulled out her bow with a fire arrow loaded. "Say that again I'll blow you up."
I retorted "oooo feisty can't wait for 'it.'" She looked like she was gonna die that second. She shot a green arrow in the air and then ran off at 100 miles a minute. I couldn't help thinking that tonight really would be fun though

Nico Di Angelo and Danny, a love > hate relationship.Where stories live. Discover now