~ Chapter 16

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•Nicos POV•

I started listening as she started talking.

"Well uh I was 2 when me, and my mom moved to America. My mom told me we were going on a business trip, but I knew we were leaving cause monsters were attracted to me. I had overheard her and my Aunt talking at night, every night about this plan to get to America and find help. I had so many questions and wanted to ask them, but what would they tell me.
A year later we got to America. She told me that we had come to find my father. I had asked about him everyday of my life since I could see he wasn't around anymore. She never told me.
She left me at my Aunts doorstep when I was 3. She had been overcome with guilt and hatred towards my father for leaving us. She left me. Then my Aunt hated me and was abusive. She'd lock me downstairs, handcuff me, beat me with a whip, torture me..."

I could see the pain in her eyes.

"She hired someone when I was older, about 6 to come do things. She was paid and they left. They were I remember as I described it 'hard' and 'assultive.' The guys she hired there were 2 big ones and then a smaller one. They all undressed and undressed me by force. Then handcuffed me to the headboard and..."

She broke into tears and clung to me. I gave her some tissues, then pulled her to my side and whispered happy thoughts in her ear. She kept going:

"They left and I decided that's when I had to leave. That night, a big hairy thing had come and started tearing our house apart. My poor Aunt died, but I had gotten to the basement in time and his. It left after a few hours, but I barely survived. I crawled out shaking so bad. I went to where my Aunts room would be, grabbed a sword, the whip, and all the knives from the kitchen and hid them in my string bag. Then I had set off in the night and fought off everything that came my way. I was a trained gymnast and did karate. I can be a black belt or Olympic gymnast but no. Then I wound up here kinda."

I felt my heart grow in love and sadness and depression. I hugged her against me, tightly. I never wanted this moment to end. I didn't care anymore. I was falling for her hard.
She buried her head in my chest and sobbed. I held her close and kissed her cheek, nearing her lips but decided not to press it. She fell asleep an hour later and I stroked her hair.
She was a beautiful princess.

I loved her.
But uh what?
Shut up my choice
Don't even question it.

Nico Di Angelo and Danny, a love > hate relationship.Where stories live. Discover now