Chapter 15

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Seonghwa's POV 

    The very next morning, I woke up feeling warm. Recalling the events of the previous day, I had fallen asleep along with the married couple after the long day of chilling around with Mingi in the city. I didn't regret doing so because it was a great opportunity to keep my mind off from the whole "Finding my mother's diary" situation I was in. But the trip sparked a new-found motivation for solving the problem.

    I found myself wiping off drool from the corners of my mouth, and noticed that the two lovers had gravitated towards each other. Now Mingi was hugging Yunho tightly, his head tucked in Yunho's armpit, while Yunho had his arm around him.

    It was truly a cute scene. So cute that I wished that I had taken a picture of them. But I stopped myself, as I didn't want to have any evidence of my whereabouts and the people I had met throughout my journey, in case I lost it all.

     Getting up from the couch, stretching my limbs, I went upstairs to start my day. After a good rest and the good shower, my thoughts were already organised. The next step for me was to follow along my mother's steps and see where her research ended with the curse. Maybe she had been close to solving the curse, but upon marrying my dad and getting away from her rich family, she might have stopped.

   So I gathered a backpack, with a few things that could have helped me with my journey. A map that my dad had kept all his life upon meeting my mom. I never got to open it until now, possibly because of the memories that it would open.

    I remember how I used to look into my father eyes, with awe as he described each region with their folktales, fairytale, myths... everything that came into mind. He used to pick me up and twirl around the house like we were on an aeroplane and mom, the real one, will act like a hostess bringing in snacks for us to eat.

    We couldn't do that any more, as the stepmother of mine hated doing things that would require her to look like a "fool".

    So I opened the map, that had already started yellowing at the corners. There was a clearly drawing path leading from my mother's house to where the tree house was, as well as names of things that my dad wrote to help remember the path. Since it had been more than 30+ years since this map has been made, I knew that it would have been difficult to find it, but the challenge was worth it.

    Aside from the map, I stuffed the backpack with 2 bottles of water, a packet of crisps, a sandwich, a bag of sweets and the diary. I headed downstairs, at which i still found the couple cuddled up together. I wrote a note on the napkin notifying about my absence for the rest of the day and then went out of the house, after covering them with a blanket.

    Yunho's house was big, just like every other houses around this neighbourhood, and it seemed that there were a lot of people heading out of this neighbourhood with shiny cars. One of them had honked at me to get out of the way, so I pressed myself to the side to let it go. I kept walking the same way the car was going, probably leading to a main road, in which i will be able to guess what to do from there.

Another car honked at me, however, a shout followed it.

"Hey you !!"

I kept walking, assuming that they weren't referring to myself, but they kept shouting, and I couldn't help but stop to turn around and see who was responding to the shouts.

"You finally stopped!"

The voice was coming from a guy that reminded me of an alpaca with the amount of hair he had on top of his head. His head and arm were out a car window, and he was waving is arm around frantically.

A guy with blue hair was driving the car, a small smile appearing on his lips and rolling his eyes at the commotion that his car passenger was making.

The car reached me and stopped. Shocked and fearful, I was considering to run as fast as possible but looking at the possibilities of outrunning the car, I decided to stay put. I knew that my emotions were written all over my face, but the cloak must be doing a good job at hiding it.

Stay calm, they might be friendly.

"Good Morning", I greeted.

"Hey, I saw you walking and thought that maybe we could give you a ride? "

I was even more shocked and more fearful.


"Kai-ah, calm down. You are scaring him ", the blue hair guy said. He turned his gazed towards me and smiled. Dimples popped up on the sides of his cheeks.

"Sorry about him", he said with an apologetic look, "We were trying to offer you a ride because this neighbourhood is far from the main road. You seemed to be new here, and we thought, actually he thought, that it would have been a nice thing to do. Sorry if we creeped you out".

I remained silent because e i didn't know how to react to this situation.

"Sorry to bother you-"


I didn't know what came over me to answer to them like that, maybe my instincts maybe destiny, but the moment that i realised what I was doing I was already halfway through the trip. Already at the main town hall where I asked them to drop me by the station. I didn't converse with them that much since the two of them seemed to be embarrassed by the situation, or rather i was embarrassed by my response.

"Hey, we are here"

I was already looking outside the window, but I finally focused on the scene in front of me. We were at the station, however it was not my intention to get on the train. I got out of the car and thanked them. I watched the car go and waved at them before making my way making my into the place.

"Hyung, don't you think that we meet him before ", Kai asked as eh deeply thought about all that people that he knew. But it wasn't a long search as he counted on his fingers 4 people.

"Um, I think so. But I've never met him before. Let's ask Jun-hyung, maybe he will know".

Kai nodded and settled back to the game he was playing on his phone. 

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